Page 7 - TC-HICT - Presentation EN 2021
P. 7
Lach Huyen Port Construction – Project Summary
Construction Item Contractor Completion
1. Dinh Vu-Cat Hai Bridge & Access Road SMCC-Local JV 2/Sep/2017
(4.50km+5.44km+5.69km = 15.63km)
2. Port Area Development - Starting Phase Penta-Toa JV 7/Nov/2017
(reclamation, retaining wall, public berth, etc.)
3. Dredging-Channel(w160m/L17.1km/D-14.0m) Construction, 7/Aug/2018
& Turning Basin (Φ660m, -14.0m)
Penta-Rinkai JV
4. Breakwater (2.5km) & Sand Protection Dyke Toa Construction Nov/2019
5. Terminal Facility - 2 berths total 750m, Selected by TC-
container yard, gate, workshop, office, etc. HICT Jul-2018
Remarks: 1-4 above are public work items supported by Japanese
ODA loans, while the terminal facility is constructed by TC-HICT
under the first large scale Public-Private-Partnership project
between the two Governments of Vietnam and Japan.
October 21