Page 29 - _thu-vien_Brochures_Brochure_TCTy_Eng_Feb2020_R4
P. 29

NORTH REGION OF VIETNAM                                                       Feeder Terminals

                   TAN CANG - 189 TERMINAL

                                   Convenient  Traffic, connected  to the   Total area  : 105,000 sqm
              Address              national  highway No 5, No. 10, No 18...
              Dinh Vu IP, Dong Hai   coming across  the Northern provinces   Container yard area  : 8,000sqm
              Ward, Hai An District,   and the nation.  7km away from Hai   Number of berth  : 1
              Hai Phong City       Phong  existing railway station  and 1.4   Berth length  : 160m
                                   km downstream  away from  the  new                  to accommodate
                                   railway station.                                    vessels from 10.000

                                   Dinh Vu is the convergence of large                 DWT capacity (future)
                                   estuaries  and  also  a focal point  of the   Channel chart datum :-7.6 m
                                   domestic  waterways  and  coastal  road   Depth alongside   : 8.2m
                                   which  is going to connect to Quang   berth
                                   Ninh  province and to the whole  of the
                                   Northern midland                   Turning basin    : 210m
                                                                      Vessel capacity  : up to 15,000 DWTs
                                                                      Throughput capacity : 300,000 MTs -
                                                                                       400,000 MTs
                                   Equipment                                           240,000TEUs
                                   01 gantry crane
                                   02 fixed quayside crane
                                   05 RTG

                   TAN CANG - 128 TERMINAL

                                   Total area:       165,000sqm        Channel chart datum:   -6.2m
              Ha Doan, Dong Hai    Container yard area:   107,000sqm   Depth alongside berth:   -8.2m
              ward, Hai An District,   Warehouse area:    5,000sqm     Turning basin:    210m
              Hai Phong City       Number of berth:     1 + 1 barge berth  Vessel capacity:    15,000 DWT
                                   Berth length:     422 m             Throughput capacity:  300,000teus
                                   06 slewing cranes
                                   08 RTG

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