Page 3 - Magazine.cdr
P. 3
From CMD's Desk
Tatsuto Nagayasu
Chairman and Managing Director, MPW-IND
Your health is the most important from anything to keep you and your family safe and to run company. I have
prepared following talk for month of September, please keep it in your mind.
“It is the responsibility of each one of us at the Mitsubishi Power Group to learn, understand, and comply with
our health and safety policies and procedures, as well as applicable laws and regula ons, through con nuous
educa on and training programs”
There is no excuse for not knowing the law of the land, we should iden fy all applicable requirements and
comply without any failure. The impact on the business and reputa on on the organisa on shall be huge if any
legal requirements are not complied.
As we listed out all legal requirements through MPW-IND Legal register, it's every project management
responsibility to review and ini ate ac ons to comply those including the specific requirements of Customer
and local legal requirements.
Also ensure the required competency personnel deputed by subcontractor to understand all legal & HSE
requirements including safety officers. The Safety policies and procedures are well explained to all interested
par es within the organisa on including the contract man power.
“Training is the heart of the con nuous effort designed to improve employee competency and organisa onal
All HSE training requirements are iden fied, planned and provided with all required resources (Qualified
Trainer, Training Material (Modules), Training Equipment's)
“Let ensure No major injury & Legal non-compliance in MPW-IND scope of works”