Page 6 - Magazine.cdr
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            4.  Why do we need to measure the HSE performance? what is the benefit expected from it?

               Performance measurement is important for any task or work either completed or under process. It should
               be con nuously done for HSE as per the standard global parameters such as LTI etc to keep track of HSE
               performance of organisa on.

               This will also indicate as how efficiently the organisa onal strategy of HSE is being implemented. Based on
               this con nuous performance measurement organisa on can take correc ve ac on.

            5.  What is the purpose of communica on, how it is important in HSE ma ers?

               Purpose of communica on is to spread awareness and to disseminate informa on to the intended
               persons. For the HSE ma er communica on could cover Incident repor ng, HSE performance of various
               sites, and organisa on safety strategy related.

               Further it will be good, if we can include some industry wide interes ng informa on from outside the
               organisa on.

               These  communica ons  when  it  reaches  to  concerned  persons,  it  gives  them  the  idea  of  their  own
               performance as well as other improvements that can be achieved. It is important to communicate to all
               levels including workmen at sites HSE issues, may be the mode of communica on could be different.

                                              HSE OBJECTIVES AND RATES
       Sl. No.          Parameter                                         Status                              Indicator
         1    Safety Rates                     4.3 Million Safe Man Hours (Mauda 2.67M, Rihand-1.54M, Farakka-80K
                                               TCIR-0.0 LTIFR -0 & LTISR-0
         2    Issue (UA/UC) Resister & Closure  August’21 -312/316 -98% Closed, 2021-22 – 871/944 -92% Closed
         3    Issues Repetition                27% - 256/944 issues repeated
         4    Improvement - Kaizen & Projects  16/44 Kaizens –5 Mouda, 7 Rihand 4 Farakka
         5    HSE agreements                   8/9 Signed – 1 in Mouda-  ACIL needs discussion with Purchase
         6    Contractor employees competency  Mouda –63%,  Rihand-75%, Farakka-43%
         7    Contractors HSE training         266/2915 Covered – Total Contract 1091
         8    HSE violation by Subcontractors  5/35 – 4 Rihand & 1 Mouda
         9    Budget / Contractual / System issues open  Addressed in Quarterly HSE review
         10   Site Management HSE visit        10/12 Rihand 4, Mouda -4 & Farakka-2
         11   Safety committee meetings        3 -1 Each In Mouda Rihand as per BOCW Act & 1- Informal at Farakka
         12   ERP- Mock Drill & Gap Closures   4/9 (Rihand-3, Mouda-1)
         13   Reward & Recognition             3+24 – (11-Rihand – 16 Mouda- (Spot & Kaizen)
         14   EHS management system implementation  Procedure -3/15 (2 Under mgmt. Review), Formats 10/10 & CS 35/35 Released
         15   Legal Register                   All Legal requirements identified & released, being implemented
         16   HSE performance evaluation & Model  RED Diamonds released, Score Released for June’21 & July’21.
         17   Technical & HSE Management Training  Under review – 1 Scaffolding training conducted
                                               Inter Site HSE Knowledge Sharing session conducted on  11  August &
         18   HSE Meetings/Reviews
                                               scheduled 17th
         19   HSE Violation - MPW - Employees  No violation reported from Site, Procedure Released by 15  of July, Training
                                               Monthly HSE Magazine  (KICHO) for August Released, Communication on
         20   HSE Communication                ergonomics  in Office & Construction work released.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11