Page 18 - Magazine - 10-8-2021_Neat
P. 18


         We are all aware that the rainy season comes with lots of
         unpredictable events, so it is very important that we keep
         to  certain  safety  measures  as  we  approach  the  rainy

         Especially  concerning  electrical  appliances,  equipment,
         and objects as we all know that the season comes with
         increased rainfall, increased flood, thunderstorm and high

         Since water is a good conductor of electrical energy, this
         season often comes with a high tendency of accidents.

         So, therefore we all need to take note of certain measures
         we can take in order to avoid accidents in this rainy season.

                               Do’s                                                 Don't’s

              First, try as much as possible to distant yourself   x   Do not try to do any electrical work if you are not a
              and  your  loved  ones/Colleagues from  powerlines       professional electrical engineer and if it's a must,
              during  Rain  and  storms.  If  possible,  stay  10  feet   try not to do it under the rain.
              away  from  any  powerline  around  you  because
              naturally,  the  human  body  is  a  ready-made      x   Do  not  touch  any  electrical  instrument  with  your
              conductor of electricity.                                hands wet or bare feet. Be very cautious whenever
                                                                       you  must  work  on  electrical  appliances  that  are
              While moving away, make sure you take your steps         close to the water and if you have put any electrical
              slowly  one  after  the  other  and  keep  your  feet  as   instrument or appliance in water, make sure you dry
              close to the ground as possible to avoid any form of     or discard it.
              electrical shock.
                                                                   x   Do not place your hands on any tree or plant that is
              If you are inside a car that has contact with a fallen   close  to  a  powerline.  Do  not  attempt  to  touch
              electrical pole or powerline, make sure you remain       damaged electrical equipment.
              inside the car and carefully instruct those around
              you not to touch the car but as soon as the car starts   x  Don't  involve  yourself  in  any  illegal  electrical
              burning  quickly  and  carefully  jump  out  without     connection  or  extension  deals.  If  you  find  any
              having contact with any metal on the body of the car     damaged  public  electrical  equipment,  make  sure
              or around it.                                            you  report  this  to  the  public  electrical  company
                                                                       close  to  you.  Do  not  try  to  liberate  anyone  who
              When you notice there's a fallen electrical pole in a    already  has  contact  with  an  electrical  powerline
              place, quickly restrict movements from that area to      rather  report  the  case  immediately  to  any  public
              avoid an accident. While doing that, call the attention   electrical office around you.
              of  any  public  electrical  office  around  to  fix  the
              problem.                                             x   Do not drive your car on any fallen electrical pole.

              Taking heed to these measures will help greatly in   x   Do not raise with your hands any fallen electrical
              averting troubles that usually come with the rainy       pole.
                                                                   x   Do  not  lift  with  your  hands  any  powerline  that  is
                                                                       lying low, run away from it.
                                                                   x   Do not go over or jump over any fallen electrical

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