Page 2 - Managing Health Care Costs in Retirement
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Managing Health Care Costs in Retirement

         person in excellent health at age 65   most noticeable when Health   employer or a spouse’s employer,
         will incur much lower costs than   Savings Accounts (HSAs) are       immediate enrollment may not be
         someone will with heart disease or   ignored. HSAs allow a person to   the most efficient solution.
         diabetes, but is also much more    save money for medical costs in a
                                                                              For the vast majority of people
         likely to eventually need more years   tax-free account, but they are only
                                                                              enrollment in Part A of Medicare
         of long-term care.                 available with high-deductible
                                                                              does not cost a monthly premium.
         People also need to consider their                                   Though immediate enrollment in a
         approach to diagnosis and          For a retiree who feels the need to   free program seems like the obvious
         treatment. One person might prefer   visit his or her doctor frequently, it   course of action, some employers
         to visit doctors when they feel    is better to use a low-deductible   will cancel matched contributions to
         unwell for more than a day, another   plan that will reach its limit quickly   an HSA plan when an individual
         might wait for a problem to persist   and put most of the costs on the   starts any part of Medicare.
         for a month before reporting it. The   insurer. However, if a retiree rarely   However, since the penalty for
         former will have higher regular    goes to the doctor and has little   delaying enrollment in Part A only
         payments, but the latter runs the   chance of reaching his or her    affects the small portion of people
         risk of having major expenses from   deductible, chances are good that an   who have to pay the premium, HSA
         a condition that was allowed to    HSA will provide both premium     plan members may wish to wait
         worsen.                            savings and tax reduction (this is   until retirement to use Medicare.
                                            especially true early in retirement.)
         Often forgotten, an important part                                   Because Part B requires premium
         of an overall health care plan (not   Medicare                       payments, individuals who already
         limited to retirees) is creating an                                  have quality health insurance
                                            Medicare can be one of the most
         official health care directive. Usually                              through an employer may not want
                                            influential ways to reduce health
         in the form of a living will, people                                 to deal with the extra expense of
                                            insurance costs in retirement. It is
         can layout rules for care in the event                               having double coverage. Part B
                                            government health insurance
         they are incapacitated and have                                      allows individuals to delay
                                            available to retirees (typically at age
         little hope of recovery.                                             enrollment without penalty if they
                                            65) that is considerably cheaper than
         Alternatively, people can grant                                      are enrolled in employer or group
                                            self-funded coverage. The Medicare
         power of attorney for medical                                        health plans (COBRA and retiree
                                            program is available to retirees in
         treatment to a relative or trusted                                   coverage do not count as employer
                                            three major parts:
         friend. Either document can reduce                                   health plans). Individuals who pay
         unnecessary medical costs at the   • Part A: Hospital insurance that  for their own insurance will usually
         end of life and, more importantly,   covers emergency care and hospice  find that immediate enrollment in
         grant survivors peace of mind about                                  Part B to be the best choice.
                                            • Part B:  General health insurance
         proper treatment when the
                                             that covers outpatient services,  If Medicare is used at the same time
         unthinkable happens.                laboratory tests, mental health and  as a company health plan, it can
                                             regular doctor services
         Savings Strategies                                                   become unclear which insurer
                                            • Part D: Prescription drug insurance  provides primary coverage. It is
         There are a number of ways for
                                             that helps pay for medication    essential that employees who intend
         retirees to reduce medical costs. The
                                                                              to work past age 65 talk with their
         most effective method is simply to   People will often be told to begin
                                                                              HR representatives and determine
         get as healthy as possible. Retirees   Medicare coverage as soon as
                                                                              all the effects of Medicare
         who enter retirement in good health   possible because of the low rates
                                                                              enrollment. Only when existing
         will not only incur fewer initial   available and the penalties that
                                                                              coverage is understood can an
         costs, but will be better able to enjoy   could be incurred by delaying
                                                                              individual find ways to lower costs.
         themselves during retirement.      enrollment. (Both Medicare Part A
                                            and B carry penalties for those who   Long-term Care
         As stated earlier, a retiree’s personal
                                            do not enroll during three months
         approach to seeking medical care                                     Long-term care (LTC) programs,
                                            preceding or following the month of
         influences expenses, many of which                                   whether home care, assisted living
                                            their 65  birthday.) However, if an
         can be unnecessary if the wrong                                      or nursing care, are extremely
                                            individual is still receiving
         health insurance is used. This is                                    expensive. On average LTC creates a
                                            insurance through his or her
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