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CultureBank р108
1 RADA 2 The Longitude Prize 3 Erasmus 4 AЬorigines and Maoris 5 Race relations
б Healthy cities 7 CowЬoys 8 ВВС Radio 1 9 Shopping with а difference
F Readlng
рН Positionandorderofadjectives р14 Vloggers р16 Photocomparison р17 Aformal letter
Speaking: А famous person you'd like Starsofthevlogosphere Strategy: Speculating Strategy: Using formal language
tomeet Strategy: Multiple-choicequestions Vocabulary: Extremeadjectives
Vocabu!ary: Digital media Кеу phrases: Comparing photos
Speaking:Vloggers O Photocomparisons
• Writing: Aletterto theeditor
pZS Preposition+nounphrases р26 Solvingcrime p28Role-plcty р29 Aforandagainstessay
Dictionarywork Strategy: Matchingtextstoquestions Strategy: Listeningwithinterest:Usingquestion Strategy: Structuringanessay
Vocabulary: Crimecollocations tags Keyphrases: lntroducingdifferent
Speaking, Debating ССТV Keyphrases: Beingdiplomatic sidesoftheargument
Grammar: Ьewpposedto Grammar: provided thot / providing /
O Negotiatingcleaningdutiesinaflat share onconditionthot/eventhough/
р35 AmericanEnglish р36 ТheKiteRunпer p38Topic-basedpresentation р39 AЬlogpost
:,:::сап English spell ing and word Strategy: Lookingforcluesingapped-sentence Strategy 1: Moving оп to another topic Strategy:StructuringaЫogpost
tasks Strategy2: Paraphrasing Grammar, Sequencingclausesfor
Dictionarywork Vocabulary: Compoundadjectives Keyphrases: Movingontoanothertopic; describlngpastevents
Speaking:Friendshipswithpeoplefromdifferent Paraphrasing
cultural andsocialbackgrounds O oescriblngcelebrations
lnternetresearch: TheauthorofТheKiteRunneг
• Writing: Aforandagainst essay
р47 Adverbsandadverblalphrases р48 Globetrotters pS0 lntef\/iewandstimulus-baseddiscussion р51 A letterofcomplaint
'Travelling'online Strategy: Givingreasonsforyourchoice Strategy: Structuringa formalletter
Strategy, Matchingquestionstodifferenttexts Keyphrases: Makingaselection Grammar: Thesubjunctive
Vocabulary:Phrasalverbs O Planningaholidayabroad
p57Phrasэ1verbs р58 Love is in the air рбО Photo description and comparison рб1 Anopinionessay
Dictionarywork strategy: Dealing with unknown words when Strategy: Speculating and deducing strategy: Makingyour writing more
doingamultiplechoicetask Keyphrases, Speculatinganddeducing interesting
Vocabulary: Experiments Grammar: might / must / con'thave Grammar: do / did for emphasis
Speaking, The most important qualities in another О Photo comparisons structuresandfeaturestouse in
person essays
• Writing: Anopinionessay
рб9 Compoundadjectives р70 Junkfood p72Role-play р73 Anarticle
Strategy: Dictionaryentriesfor Foodaddiction Strategy: Askingforclarification Strategy: Usingadverbsand
compoundadJectives Strategy, Looking for connecting words when Vocabulary:l llnesses,injuriesandsymptoms: conJunctionstohelpcoherence
Dictionarywork doinggapped-seritencetasks Treatmentsandremedies Кeyphrases: Comment adverbs
Vocabulary: Foodadjectivesandnouns Keyphrases: Askingforclarification
Speakin g: DebateaЬoutfastfood O Patierit-doctordialogue
р79 Nouns and dependent prepositions рВО Media wars р82 Presentation р83 Astory
Strategy:Usingthedictionarytocheck Whocanyoutr1.1St? Strategy: Developingyourresponses Strategy: Writinganarrative
Dictionarywork Strategy, Answering multiple-<hoice questions Keyphrases, lntroducingexamplesandextra Grammar: Nominal clauses with
UseofEnglish Vocabulary: Phrasalverbs information wh,t
Speaking: Discussionabouttheinfluenceofthe О Discussing the impact of social media on crime
• Speaking: lndividual long turn (topic presentation) / Debate • Writing: Ап article
р91 Verbpatterns р92 Makingadifference р94 Collaborativetask р95 Areport
Verb-.object.;infinitive Strategy: Matchingtextstoquestions Keyphrases, Startingadiscussion;Expressing Strategy: Structuringareport
Verb-.object-.presentorpastparticiple Vocabulary: Phrasalverbs an opinion; Adding an opinion; Agreeing and Keyphrases: lntroducingthesubJecl ;
Speaking,Peoplewhohavemadeadifferencein disagreeing Reportingviews;Summingup;
yourcountry Strategy: Responding to what the other person sa~ Recommending / Suggesting
Keyphrases: lnvolvingyourpartner;lnterrupting;
О People talking about combatting climate change
р101 Moneyidioms р102 Playingwithouremotions р104 Photo comparison p10S А letter to а newspaper
hardup,rollinginit,etc Strategy: Usingvocabularylinkstohelpwith Strategy: Useful language for comparing photos and Strategy: Usiпg synonyms and
Dictionarywork gapped-sentencetasks discussingthetopic paraphrases
Vocabulary: Advertising Keyphrases: Justifyingyour opinion:ExpresSinga
Project: Prepareanadvert tentativeopinion
O Buyingapresentforafriend
• Writing: Areport