Page 5 - Family Day_2023
P. 5
2. Alice in Wonderland
United Kingdom
Lore Rivera
● María José Pérez Román: The story of Alice in Wonderland takes
place in Oxford, England.
Luciana Meana Asuad: Did you know English comes from England?
It’s the language we are speaking right now.
Sebastián Chozas Quintana: Yes, I know. But they have a different
accent. Sometimes we don’t even understand them.
● Casilda Ramos Canedo: Children in England play other sports like
rugby and cricket. They also play soccer like us.
● Maximiliano Macías Esquivel: People in England drink Tea EVERY
DAY, ALL DAY LONG! They like it more than coffee.
● Pablo Canal Cubillo: Exactly! Like they do in the movie Alice in