Page 112 - Marina Krajka English Book
P. 112

Exam task

                           Track 19 Here are some things that schools and workplaces do to encourage their
                    students and employees to be healthier.

                             offer healthy snacks       Why might these          provide drinking-water
                                                        be good ways of               machines
                                                     encouraging students
                                                      or employees to be
                              offer free exercise                                set up a website for
                                  classes                                       sharing healthy recipes

                                                        encourage people
                                                         to take a walk at

                    Talk to each other about why these might be good ways of encouraging students or
                    employees to be healthier. Then decide which way of encouraging students or employees to
                    be healthier would make the most difference to them.

                           Track 20 Listen to the examiner's questions and take turns answering them.

                          Exam facts

                    •   In Part 3, you and the other candidate are given a question and five ideas.
                    •   Together, you have to talk about the different ideas, make suggestions, agree or disagree and
                       try to decide on an answer to the question.
                    •   In Part 4, the examiner asks you some questions related to the topic you discussed in Part 3.

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