Page 7 - Marina Krajka English book ZNO
P. 7


              Paper 1: Reading       Worksheet 1         Worksheet 2               Worksheet 3
              and Use of English
              1 hour 15 minutes

                                     Hobbies and leisure   Travel and holidays     Sport
              Part 1 p12             Adjectives + preposition  Prepositions of location    Verb + noun collocations
              4-option multiple-choice
              cloze                  Hobbies and leisure   and movement            -ing and to + infinitive
              8 questions / 8 marks  vocabulary          Commonly confused words

                                     Health and fitness   Education and study       Family and friends
              Part 2 p18             Articles, quantifiers    Linking expressions   Personal, possessive
              Open cloze             and determiners     Verb + noun collocations  and reflexive pronouns
              8 questions / 8 marks  Relative clauses and                          Phrasal verbs
                                     relative pronouns

                                     Science and         Food and drink            The natural world
              Part 3 p24             technology          Word formation:           Word formation:
              Word formation         Word formation:     noun suffixes              negative prefixes
              8 questions / 8 marks  adjective suffixes   Spelling                  Spelling
                                     Word families

                                     Travel and holidays  Daily life               Weather
              Part 4 p30             Present forms       Reported speech           Phrasal verbs
              Key word transformation  Comparison        Reported questions        Conditionals with if
              6 questions / 12 marks                                               and unless

                                     Science and         House and home            Work
              Part 5 p36             technology          Future forms              wish, hope and if only
              4-option multiple choice  Technology vocabulary
              6 questions / 12 marks

                                     The natural world   Health and fitness         Education and study
                                     Modals: obligation,   Health and fitness vocabulary  Education and study
              Part 6 p42             permission and      Modals: obligation,       vocabulary
              Gapped text            prohibition         permission and prohibition  Modals: possibility
              6 questions / 12 marks                                               and certainty

                                     Cultures and customs  Entertainment and media  The environment
              Part 7 p48             The passive         have / get something done  The passive with
              Multiple matching                                                    reporting verbs
              10 questions / 10 marks

              Paper 2: Writing       Worksheet 1         Worksheet 2               Worksheet 3
              1 hour 20 minutes

                                     Hobbies and leisure  Health and fitness        The environment
              Part 1 p54             Expressing opinions  Comparing and contrasting   Environmental issues
              Writing an essay       Linking words: cohesion  opinions             vocabulary
              1 question / 20 marks                      Linking words: contrast   Writing concluding

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