Page 28 - MODUL 1_Neat
P. 28

Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII KD 3.1 & 4.1

                                                    KUNCI JAWABAN

                    PART 1
                        1.  E
                        2.  C
                        3.  E
                        4.  D
                        5.  D
                        6.  A
                        7.  B
                        8.  A
                        9.  C
                        10. B

                    PART 2
                    Tidak ada kepastian kunci.
                    Rubrik penilaian untuk unjuk kerja ini adalah:
                     1.  Dialog tertulis
                     Dimensions                                                                 1
                                          4                 3                 2
                                     EXCELLENT           GOOD          SATISFACTORY          NEEDS
                     Content       The dialogue is   The dialogue is   The main idea     The dialogue
                                   very interesting   clear and        may be cloudy     lacks of central
                                   and purposeful    focused. It has   because some of  idea. The
                                   with very clear   interesting ideas  the elaboration   development is
                                   and focused       and includes the  of the dialogue   minimal or non-
                                   main theme. It    expressions of    are even off-     existent
                                   includes the      offering helps    topic.
                                   expressions of    and the
                                   offering helps    response.
                                   and the
                                   response. It is
                                   also engaging.
                     Language      Use effective     Use effective     Use simple        Virtually no
                     Use           complex           complex           construction &    mastery of
                                   constructions.    constructions.    major problems i  n sentence
                                   There is no       There are few     complex           construction
                                   error of noun     errors of noun    construction.     rules. The
                                   phrase, adverb    phrase, adverb of  There are several  writing is
                                   of time and       time and place,   errors of noun    dominated by
                                   place, tenses     tenses and        phrase, adverb of  errors. It does
                                   and temporal      temporal          time and place,   not
                                   conjunction.      conjunction.      tenses and        communicate or
                                                                       temporal          not enough to
                                                                       conjunction. The  evaluate.
                                                                       meaning of some
                                                                       sentences are still
                                                                       obscured or
                     Dictions      The diction is    Writing uses      The words         Writing shows
                                   precise,          descriptive,      chosen may be     limited range of
                                   carefully chosen.  broad range of   correct but       words and some
                                   The writing has   words             boring. It does

                     @2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN                    40
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