Page 12 - 08_Social_Studies and Population Education Book 8_2078 Revised and Updated Edition
P. 12

Central planning,           State level               Basic and secondary
                central bank, finance       electricity, irrigation   education

                policies, monetary          and water supply          Basic health sanitation
                and banking,                services, navigation      Distribution of land,
                monetary policies,          State universities,       building ownership
                foreign grants, aid         higher education,         certificates
                and loans                   libraries, museums        Drinking water, small
                Foreign and                 Matters relating to       electricity projects,
                diplomatic affairs,         the State Assembly,       alternative energy

                international relations     State Council of          Preservation and
                and United Nations          Ministers                 development of
                related matters             Intra-State trade,        language, culture and
                National                    State highways,           arts

                transportation              Health services           Local tax
                policies, management        Management of
                of railways and             lands, land records
                national highways

            In  federal  system,  if  the  state  government  is  found  to  be  ineffective  and

            unsuccessful  or if  national  emergency  is declared,  the  federal  government
            controls and directs  the concern  states until  other necessary arrangement  is

            There are various political systems practiced in the world. They are not perfect
            in themselves. Every political system has its merits and challenging factors.

            Merits of federal system

                 Maintains close relation between the state and its people,
                 Optimum use of means and resources,

                 Conflict may settle at local level,
                 Wide public participation in government activities,

                 Preservation of local arts, culture and heritages,
                 Decentralization of power,

                 Acceleration of development works,

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