Page 28 - 07_Social Studies and Population Education Book 7_2078 Revised and Updated Edition
P. 28

                1               OUR RELIGIOUS RITUALS

            Our country  is a  multi-religious  and  secular  nation.  People  from  various
            religious backgrounds like Hindu, Buddhist, Islam, Kirant, Jain, Sikh, Christian,
            Bon, Bahai, etc live in our country. Hence, our country is very rich in religious
            rituals.  Religious  rituals  are the formal  behaviours established  according
            to  the  religion. All  religions  are  treated  equally here.  Nepal  has recognized

            all these religions, their rituals, traditions and festivals equally. We celebrate
            public holidays on various religious festivals. There is unity amongst people of
            different religions. The main features of some of the religions and their rituals

            are given below:

               Hinduism is based on the
                philosophy of  Veda. It is also

                called  “Sanatan  Religion”  or
                “Vedic Religion”.

               Hindus  read classical texts
                like  Ved, Upanishad, Puran,
                Gita, Astrology,  Mahabharat,
                Ramayan, etc. Veda is considered

                as the oldest religious epic in
                the world. There are four Vedas.
                They are:  Rigveda,  Samaveda,              Worshiping gods/goddesses
                Atharbaveda and Yajurveda.

               Hindus believe  and worship various Gods and Goddesses like  Brahma,
                Bishnu, Shiva, Durga, Saraswati, Laxmi, Ganesh, Surya, Chandra, etc.

                Omkar (ç) is always respected. Polytheism is a major feature of Hinduism.
               They worship idols.  They perform daily duty and practice  worshipping

                methods like Panchopachar, Dasopachar and Shodshopachar and fast on

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