Page 8 - 07_Social Studies and Population Education Book 7_2078 Revised and Updated Edition
P. 8

                1                 NECESSITY OF SOCIETY

            Introduction of Society

            Society is a social group organized for a particular purpose or activity. Generally
            in a society, people have common interests, beliefs, or profession. The people

            share traditions, cultures, laws, institution and values in the society. They involve
            in each other’s activities regardless of caste, creed, sex, language, economic
            status, etc.

            Origin of Society

            Human being is the most creative
            creature in nature. Initially, human

            beings were similar to other creatures.
            They had no sense of unity in the
            past.  The present human society is a
            developed and a complex society. But

            in the very beginning, it was simple and
            unorganized.  The human beings in the                 Primitive human band
            primitive  age lived in the forest with
            other animals. Their life was very difficult. Fulfillment of basic needs totally

            depended upon nature. They had to encounter with wild animals. Gradually,
            humans started to live in small groups  and started collective  hunting.  This
            situation helped them to share their feelings and live a collective life.

            The middle phase is called the savagery age. During this phase people gradually
            shifted towards the river banks from the dense forest area. They found life on

            the river banks to be more comfortable. The people settled there because of
            the availability of water, aquatic animals and splendor stones. Evidence of the
            old human civilizations have been found at the riverbanks like the Nile valley,
            Mesopotamia, Huang Ho, etc. People who existed by hunting, gathering and

            fishing often lived in organized societies.

           8                          SOCIAL STUDIES AND POPULATION EDUCATION -  BOOK 7
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