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Universidad Tecnológica Emiliano Zapata Del Estado de Morelos
Universidad Tecnológica Emiliano Zapata Del Estado de Morelos
Cuatrimestre Enero-Abril 2020
Cuatrimestre Enero-Abril 2020
Topic: Relative Clauses
Topic: Should and Shouldn´t______________________
Name: ____Luis Alfonso Sosa Lizarrag________ Date: ____April______ / ___16___ / ____2020__ Group: __8°B_ - ____ Unit: ___2__
Name: ______Luis Alfonso Sosa Lizarraga_______ Date: __March___ / __23rd__ / __2020 _ Group: 8°B - DDYPA__ Unit: _2___
Month Day Year
Write mini
- dialogues, asking for and giving advice
s, follow the examples below
I. Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of RELATIVE CLAUSES. .
Example: A low exam score .
1. I know a great little restaurant
9. The movie … we saw last week won
A: What do you think I should do about my low English exam score? B: I think you should try harder in every class.
… we can get lunch. three awards.
a) who
a) that
1. A: What do you think I should do in this quarantine?_____________________________
b) who b) when
B: I think you should be more productive and focus in your works and improve your skills.
c) where c) which
2. Sam knows a man … brother 10. Do you know the reason … there
2. A: Do you think I should go to shopping?
works for the president. are no penguins at the North Pole?
a) who a) where
B:_No You shouldn’t , due to is so dangerous.
b) whose b) why
c) whose
c) whom
3. A: Do you think I should play videogames int his moments?
3. Students … study hard get good 11. The people … names are onthe
B: Yes you should, as long as you don’t have homework o something important to do
grades. list will stay here.
a) whose
a) when
4. A: Where do you think I should do in the end of quarter?
b) whom b) where
c) who c) that
B: You should go to visit your family and take a brak.
4. Food … is imported from other 12. He had a feeling … something
countries is expensive.
5. A: Do you think I should buy a new Pc? terrible was going to happen.
a) that a) why
B: Yes you should, because you need more requirements to do 3D model.
b) where b) who
c) why
6. A: Should I take a walk? c) that
5. The bad weather is the reason … 13. I want to borrow the book … you
I was late for class yesterday. bought last month.
B: No you shouldn’t , you need to stay in your house
a) whom a) whom
b) when
7. A: Do you think I should clean my house? b) that
c) why c) when
B: Yes You should, take your tame to do your duty’s now.
6. The cookies … you baked are really 14. My home is a place … I can come
8. A: Should I take a sleep now? home and relax after work.
a) why a) where
B: No you shouldn’t, is too early to sleep.
b) which b) when
c) when c) whom
9. A: Do you think I should watch videos in YouTube?
7. My grandfather remembers the time 15. Most of the people … she met
… there was no television. were from Sydney.
B: No you shouldn’t, you lost a lot of time there.
a) when a) whom
b) where
10. A: Should I bath my dog? b) when
c) that c) whose
B: yes you should, the dog must be clean and specially now in this situation.
8. I visited my uncle … lives in a 16. Can you nd the teacher … you
di erent city. talked to this morning?
a) who a) whose
Now, role - play the mini - dialogues with a partner.
b) which b) whom
c) when c) when
Universidad Tecnológica Emiliano Zapata Del Estado de Morelos