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                                       Facing Boomers & Seniors Today.

     Baby boomers and seniors make up almost 40% of the Canadian population. Despite generational
     differences, both groups share many of the same problems and concerns.
     1.  Financial Uncertainty: Not knowing how       2. Health Worries: Concerns about physical
        much you’ll need in retirement.       and mental health.
      An RBC survey found that 1 in 6 Canadians   Even though boomers and seniors are living
     55+ hasn’t even started saving for retirement and   longer, increases in longevity have been accom-
     almost half feel they are not on track with their   panied by an increase in disability. Over 90% of
     retirement planning.                 Canadian seniors have at least one chronic con-
      Almost 50% of Canadians aged 55 to 64 don’t   dition. Heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabe-
     have formal pension plans. And in a recent poll   tes are amongst the most common health issues.
     by CIBC, over half did not know whether their   Falls are the leading cause of injury among the
     savings would last through their retirement.    elderly. Cognitive health is of primary concern
      Is procrastination to blame? Perhaps, but an-  as the number of people with dementia and Alz-
     other factor could be false confidence. Close to   heimer disease grows. As many as 15% of adults
     half of seniors believe they are reasonably pre-  over the age of 60 suffer from a mental disorder
     pared for what lies ahead. Many feel they can   such as depression while others may be grap-
     survive comfortably on their  Canada  Pension   pling with some form of substance abuse.
     Plan and Old Age Security benefits alone. Re-  While health concerns can seem overwhelm-
     lying on CPP and OAS to fund your retirement   ing,  there  are  steps  to  take  and  available  re-
     may give a false sense of security. The combined   sources to prevent illness or lessen symptoms.
     benefit  may  offer  less  than  $1,500  per  month.   Awareness and self management support is key.
     Even with the Guaranteed Income Supplement   Learning to recognize problems early and man-
     (GIS) added, an individual’s income may be less   age chronic conditions regularly can help reduce
     than $25,000.                        pain and disability and perhaps even prevent the
      Another reason could be the impact and fall   onset of illness.
     out of unavoidable  risks caused  by once-or-  The medical community can play a vital role
     twice in a lifetime surprises. Sixty-six per cent   in providing information, education and person-
     of retirees with savings regret can identify a neg-  al care plans to support seniors and their families
     ative shock during their working years related   in self-managing chronic conditions. Self-man-
     to an event such as divorce, illness or job loss   agement support can also be provided through
     which caused their savings shortfall. Such an   group programs. Social  support from family,
     event coupled with slow recovery can result in   friends and support groups can also help. Do
     hindsight bias, the assumption that history will   what you can now to prevent illness. Preven-
     continue to repeat itself.           tative measures should include an examination
      Fortunately, it’s never too late to get back on   of your diet, a review of your medications, an
     track. Start with a review of your current finan-  annual check up and a list of resources for infor-
     cial situation and set some realistic goals. Many   mation and support.
     banks include free retirement planning tools and
     calculators on their websites.  You can also refer   3. Downsizing Dilemma: Deciding whether
     to the Government of Canada’s Canadian  Re-      to move or re-locate.
     tirement Income Calculator at  Change is stressful. Unfortunately, when your
     en/services/benefits/publicpensions/cpp/retire-  home’s upkeep becomes too overwhelming or
     ment-income-calculator.              financial and health issues dictate a change, then
      It’s always best to speak to a profession-  downsizing or relocating may be the best option.
     al advisor, financial planner or accountant that   How to make the decision? Take a proactive
     can uncover the things you may not even have   approach  and  consider  your  options  ahead  of
     thought of. And always remember to build in a   time.  Evaluate  your  current  health  and  financ-
     margin of safety for unexpected negative shocks   es but take into consideration what your needs
     to ensure you stay on track.                           (Continued on page 10....)
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