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P. 28
➢ To add additional information columns to a database:
1- Right-click the top of the column
2- Select insert column
3- Then add your column heading
➢ When you type in numbers, such as a date, Excel will automatically format
➢ How to use common Excel tools:
Excel tools
Sorting Adding Subtracting
Multiplying Dividing
➢ To Sort: Go to the toolbar and choose Data. Then choose Sort.
➢ Excel lets you manipulate numbers in your database by adding formulas.
➢ You can add text (such as names) to cells, with or without using a formula
➢ To create a formula, you first must type “=” in the cell.
Database تانايب ةدعاق Formula ةغيص Sort زرفي
Create ءاشنا Cells ايلاخ Select راتخي