Page 259 - Freelance 2021 Updated compressed
P. 259


                                                                                   Email:                           SHOW-ME BOARDS ®

                                                              A  Show-Me  A3 Drywipe Map Boards
                                                                 Extra large A3 size double-sided drywipe boards
                                                                   Outline maps printed in black - one on each side
                                                                   2 versions available - either British Isles & Europe or British
                                                                   Isles & The world
                                                                   Capital/major cities and national borders marked but not
                                                              CAT. REF.  DESCRIPTION       PACK QTY
                                                                       A3 Map Boards - UK &
                                                              UKEP                         5
                                                                       Europe, Pens & Erasers
                                                                       A3 Map Boards - UK &
                                                              UKWP                         5
                                                                       World, Pens & Erasers

          B  Show-Me  Periodic Table A4 & A3 Whiteboards      CAT. REF.  DESCRIPTION       PACK QTY
             Unique periodic table Show-Me  whiteboards                A3 Periodic Table, Pens &
                Pupils learn both the location and symbol of elements in the   PTBA305  Erasers + Free Teachers   5
             periodic table- essential for every science classroom     Resource Book
                                                                       A4 Periodic Table, Pens &
                Available in A3 and A4                        C/PTBA4  Erasers + Free Teachers   35
                                                                       Resource Book
                Plain reverse side for standard Show-Me  activities
                  01909 560060   - Email us– a fresh approach to ordering
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