Page 373 - Freelance 2021 Updated compressed
P. 373


           Exercise Book Covers                       38       Funky Folio Case A3                       307

           Exercise Books 8 x 6 1/2                   34       G                                                    INDEX

           Exercise Books 9 x 7                       33
                                                               Geometry Sets                             159
           Exercise Books BESPOKE                 30 - 31
                                                               Giant Koloroll                            282
           Exercise Books Dyslexia Tinted
           Paper                                      32       Gift Ribbon                               329

           Exercise Books Laminated A4                28       Glitter Flake Shakers                     329

           Exercise Books Oxford A4               19 - 20
                                                               Glitter Flakes                            329
           Exercise Books Polpropylene A4             29       Glitter Glue                              330

           Expandable Pockets                         91
                                                               Glitter Paint                             330
                                                115 - 116,
           Expanding File                                      Glue - Bostick Glu Dots                   340
           F                                                   Glue - Bostick Super Glu                  340

                                                               Glue - C-Pentel Roll n Glue
           Face Masks                                328
                                                               Glue - Glitter Glue Pens                  340
           Fadeless Design Rolls                266, 288
                                                               Glue - Liquid Glue                        339
           Fadeless Rolls Extra Wide                 264
                                                               Glue - Loctite Super Glue                 338
           Foam Sponge Rollers                       299
                                                               Glue - Marvin Medium 5L                   341
           Feathers                                  330
                                                               Glue Accessories                          341
           Felt Sheets                               333
                                                               Glue Gun                                  339
           File Paper                                 21
                                                               Glue Gun Sticks                           339
           Filing - Oxford Touch                      85
                                                               Glue Paste Brushes                        341
           First Aid Kit                             142
                                                               Glue Paste Spreaders                      341
           Flipchart Easel                       358,361                                             127, 335
                                                               Glue Sticks
           Flipchart Easel and Pads                  136                                                -339
                                                               Graph Paper                                22
           Flipchart Pads                            358
                                                               Graph Paper Refill Pad                     45
           Fluorecent Poster Paper                   279
                                                               Greyboard                                 275
           Fluorescent Border Rolls                  283
                                                               Guide Cards                                97
           Fluorescent Readymix Paint                295
                                                               Gummed Paper Shapes                       284
           Foam Shapes                               299
           Foldback Clips                            124

           Foldback Clips                      149 - 151        Hardback Book A4                          54
           Fountain Pens                             231
                                                               Hand Towels                               142

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