Page 21 - Pelit_ Catalogue_22
P. 21

Natural Dried Figs 1st Class 400   Natural Dried Mango Slice 100 Gr.

 Natural dried dried figs 1st class quality products are carefully se-  Dried Mango is completely dried in a natural environment, it is
 lected, no additives are used, new crops are collected and dried   a storehouse of potassium, fiber and strong antioxidants. Our
 every year just in time.  product, which is a great snack for snacks, contains natural sug-
 Dried figs are extremely beneficial for our health thanks to the   ar and does not contain any additives.
 calcium, iron and potassium they contain.   Our product, which is a great snack for snacks, contains natural
 sugar and does not contain any additives.
 STOCK CODE: 8682125102849  STOCK CODE: 8682125103624

            Natural Black Raisin 500 Gr                       Sun Dried Apricot Jumbo Size
                                                              500 Gr

            Natural dried raisins 1st class quality products are   It is collected from the most special gardens of our
            carefully selected, no additives are used, new crops   country, sifted and the most beautiful grains are
            are collected from the most fertile lands of our coun-  selected, our product is Jumbo size.
            try every year, just in time.

            STOCK CODE: 8682125103594                          STOCK CODE: 8682125104997

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