Page 3 - Pelit_ Catalogue_22
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               PRIVATE LABEL

               We provide private label service to all world. A private label product is manufactured by a contract or third-party
 We receive your request, we make the most suitable price, the fastest delivery to the   manufacturer and sold under a retailer’s brand name. As the retailer, you specify everything about the product –
 point you want.   what goes in it, how it’s packaged, what the label looks like – and pay to have it produced and delivered to your
               store. This is in contrast to buying products from other companies with their brand names
               on them.
               Our Private Label Categories
 As Pelit Turkey, with our 26 years of experience in the Food and Cos-  Personal care - Beverages - Cosmetics - Paper products - Household cleaners - Condiments and salad
 metics industry, we export the products you request from the point   dressings - Dairy items - Frozen foods

 you want to the point you want. Although our main area of  expertise is   We provide private label for all the above categories acording to your needs.
 products in the Food and Cosmetics sector, we can meet the different
 demands of our customers both from suppliers in Turkey and through
 our overseas supplier network.  Export
               After the organization of the delivery of the products to the relevant customs units, our operations team me-
               ticulously prepare the documents and carry out the customs processes. We strive to solve all the problems that
 OUR  V AL UES  may occur in this process, both with our expert operation team and with the 3rd parties we are in contact with,
               as quickly as possible. We inform our customers about all the processes passed in this process, from the pro-
 We meet the demands of our customers and create demand when   curement of the products to the completion of the customs clearance of the products. We work like our client’s
 appropriate, with a fast and demanding service approach, with our   team here.
 problem-solving ability, with our strict sense of responsibility until the
 product reaches the customer, With our perspective that always smells
 the field, With our expert team in the field.  Transit Trade
               We provide services in transit trade activities by realizing our experience in supply chain and exports not only
               in exports from Turkey, but also from suppliers in different countries to our customers in different countries.
 OUR  MISSION  Therefore, we can also provide your product requests of different origins. With our wide supply chain network,
               existing customer portfolio and new customer and supplier portfolio brought by our marketing team, we pres-
               ent every request to our customers with different alternatives.
  To meet every demand of our customers in the fastest and most accu-
 rate way by informing every step of the process step by step with our
 strong supply chain network and export operation experience.

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