Page 9 - Pelit_ Catalogue_22
P. 9

POWDERED  CUMIN   8 0  GR .  C ORIANDER  5 0   GR .  S U M A C  100  G R .  POWDERED  TURMERIC   1 2 0   GR .

 STOCK CODE: 8682125105598  STOCK CODE:  8682125105604  STOCK CODE: 8682125105536  STOCK CODE: 8682125105703
 - Carefully stored it in a stylish pet box.  - Carefully stored it in a stylish pet box.
 - Bienars is a “Develi Spice” Brand serving from the Spice Bazaar.  - Bienars is a “Develi Spice” Brand serving from the Spice Bazaar.
 - We have been offering all of our products to what you like with the same quality and freshness since 1994.  - We have been offering all of our products to what you like with the same quality and freshness since 1994.

 PA G E  0 8                                             PA G E  0 9
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