Page 18 - MLK Day Booklet 2021
P. 18
On Dec. 8, 1999, a jury in Memphis, Tenn., deliber-
ated for only three hours before deciding that the
long-held official version of Martin Luther King Jr.’s
assassination was wrong. The jury’s verdict impli-
cated a retired Memphis businessman and govern-
ment agencies in a conspiracy to kill the civil rights
Though the trial testimony had received little press
attention outside of the Memphis area, the star-
tling outcome drew an immediate rebuttal from
defenders of the official finding: that James Earl
Ray acted alone or possibly as part of a low-level
conspiracy of a few white racists.
Leading newspapers across the country disparaged
the December verdict as the product of a flawed
conspiracy theory given a one-sided presenta-
tion. The Washington Post even lumped the con-
spiracy proponents in with those who insist Adolf
Hitler was unfairly accused of genocide.