Page 59 - Kaleidoskop KMS 2021
P. 59


                                                                         The newly established English Club (later
                                                                         renamed The Eunoia Circle) coordinated
                                                                       modules orienting English and communication
                                                                        skills, such as IELTS Madlibs, Rythmising It,
                                                                         Campfire Sharing, and many more. These
                                                                     activities were put into motion on the 5th to 7th of
                                                                      March 2021. It was conducted in Kampung Jkin
                                                                       by 10 facilitators from the club, and was joined
                                                                        by 50 chosen students. Where participants
                                                                         started off timid and awkward, the 3 days
                                                                        provided a drastic improvement as everyone
                                                                      came back with a newfound confidence. Positive
                                                                      spirit and excitement are contagious, so it didn’t
                                                                       take long before everyone had warmed up to
                                                                        their teammates, helping each other with the
                                                                        activities every step of the way. Participants
                                                                       found a chance to be confident in sharing their
                                                                       thoughts and opinions with a community who
                                                                      wouldn’t judge and were eager to listen; suitable
                                                                       with the camp’s slogan, “Stand up, speak up”.

                                                                                   By Nadhilah Nazri

                                                           THE ENGLISH ENCAMPENT (TEC)
                                                                                                5th March 2021
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