Page 14 - Retro Nova
P. 14

What is  old  school fashion? Its  ingredients                               The media was the spark that lit the fire that
       are that of fashions from the 1970s through                                  brought this revival. But where is the fuel? I
       1980s. Our fashion conscious young adults                                    suppose the truth of the matter would be
       and  teens  are the  source for bringing  back                               that some of us like the old school fashion. It
       Old School Fashion.  We all can remember                                     helps us reconnect with a past which was
       the top hats and numerous petticoats era of                                  not nearly as complicated. I believe this to be
       our past and you can be assured that Fashion                                 THE reason why it continues to resurface
       Trends  have  definitely  come  a  long  way.                                 because  each  time  it  does  we  find  that  we
       Some you might say “thank goodness”  for                                     actually liked it. As this happens it becomes
       that and yet others would say bring our                                      quite popular and even sexy.
       history of fashions back for another run.
                                                                                    Let’s face it; old school fashion was designed
       While fashions of today are definitely more                                   to show off the human body. Everything
       of a combination of function while pleasing                                  was fitted, shirts, pants, not to mention cool
       to the eye, some would think it’s due to                                     patterns and designs and fabrics, these are
       progress made in the area of fashion, and                                    the trademarks of our past, a past which
       would not dare look back to our past. Reality                                young  people  of  today  have  not  experi-
       has a way of denying what we all think. But                                  enced. Most of us think old school fashion to
       whether you are pleased to see it happen or                                  be very cool, especially with today’s technol-
       otherwise, we will be and are experiencing a                                 ogy and comfortable fabrics, these designs
       revival of the popular fashion styles from                                   can showy and casual at the same time.
       our past. And so you see, Old School Fashion
       has a way of coming back. Now Old school                                     You still ask; why is old school fashion
       fashion is not merely clothing but also it is                                coming back? Some of us would say we are
       apparent in our accessories and even our                                     merely trying to claim  a past that never
       hairstyles (we all remember the beehive or                                   really existed for us. Others  would say
       you may remember it as the B-52). It is also                                 they are trying to extract the best things
       evident in the attitude of our youth. Okay,                                  out of the past. I suppose it is inherent that
       okay the big question is why? Why is old   “Come to think of it              old school fashion was brought into today
       school fashion coming back?                                                  because we never really brought all the
       I  also  found  myself thinking  about the  Old School Fashion is            bad memories with it. So Old school

       beauty regimen of these decades, and   even portrayed in our                 fashion’s existence is  either due to
                                                                                    grasping the beautiful past or it is simply a
       realizing that it's so fantastically accessible.
       Although I love '20s fashion, too, not   choice of automobiles               shrewd metaphor for selective amnesia.
                                                                                    One thing for sure is you will find yourself
       everyone can pull off  a bob,  and you can't                                 facing that question yourselves.
       wear sequin dresses all over the place. The   but we won’t touch on
       beauty and fashion of the '50s and '60s,                                     I've always been obsessed with the trends
       however, has a simplicity to it. It's not hard   that this go around.”       of these two decades without ever
       or time consuming to put on some eyeliner                                    stopping to think why that is. Sure, my
       and red lipstick. Curling your hair isn't that                               dad was absolutely enamored with
       difficult, either, if you have some good hot                                  Marilyn and Bettie, and so I always had
       rollers or are skilled with an iron. And it's the                            that influence. But I like to think I formu-
       kind  of  makeup  and  hair  you  can  rock                                  late my own opinions and tastes on things
       everywhere no matter the occasion.                                           based on who I am and not solely on what
       There are numerous reasons why we all play                                   my  parents  liked  when  I  was  a  kid.
       our part in bringing back old school fashion.                                I  definitely  love  the  pinup,  vintage  look,
       I suppose mostly it is the fascination with                                  but because it seems everyone likes it
       our past. And what’s more it all started with                                too  all  of  a  sudden,  I've  finally  stopped
       television. Perhaps what you don’t know is                                   to think what it is about these particular
       that those of you that are fascinated with our                               decades that so attracts people.
       past are the same people that grew up watch-                                 As for the clothes, I just can't imagine pinup
       ing reruns of old shows such as Happy Days                                   dresses looking bad on anyone. They hug
       for instance. And those of us (You know                                      your boobs and your waist in the most flatter-
       who we are) also enjoy watching That 70’s                                    ing of ways. They have a softness to  them
       Show. There is something nostalgic about                                     that isn't too girly, and they're just fun. And
       those shows  that just  send us  back to that                                they're  all  about  flattering  the  curves.  As
       era. We’ve been shown so much old school                                     Grimshaw-Mitchell told me about why she
       fashion;  let’s  face  it-it’s  in  our  media,                              so loves the classic styles, "I suit more
       movies,  old TV and even at the cinema.                                      tailored looks and I love the ladylike feel to
       We all remember  watching shows  like                                        vintage!" It's a common thread.
       Starsky and Hutch and Charlie’s Angels.

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