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LWBK942-C02[11-76].qxd 6/27/11 8:39 PM Page 20
20 Cardiovascular care
CARDIOMYOPATHY, Signs and symptoms
◗ Chest pain
Restrictive cardiomyopathy is charac-
terized by restricted ventricular filling ◗ Dyspnea
◗ Edema
(the result of left ventricular hypertro-
phy) and endocardial fibrosis and ◗ High systemic and pulmonary
venous pressure
thickening. It’s severe and irreversible,
and the average survival after diagno- ◗ Liver engorgement
◗ Orthopnea
sis is 9 years.
◗ Abdominal distention
◗ Palpitations
Looking at restrictive cardiomyopathy
Decreased cardiac
output with high
diastolic pressure
compared with the
amount of diastolic
Enlarged atria due to
rigid ventricular walls,
causing atrial fibrillation
Incompetent atrio- Failure of the left
ventricular valves, ventricle to relax
allowing backward properly, slowing
flow of blood
diastolic filling
Left ventricular
Decreased ventricular
chamber size from Ventricular rigidity from
endocardial fibrosis that impairs
fibrosis and thickening contractions during