Page 2 - Praying Hands Journal
P. 2

Personal  and Private Property

      Do not touch or read without my

                   permission!  Thank you!

                           How to Use This Journal

       Use the Writing Pages to capture your thoughts/feelings on any particular
       day, moment that you want to be able to read later.  Make sure to indicate any dates,
       places or specifics that are important to you.

       Read and reflect on the Encouragement Pages to help remind you that you are more
       than what is happening around you.

       Save this journal to reflect back on, what you have written at any given. Can make for
       a great story teller one day.

       Use back cover to paste photos, news clippings, articles, drawings, etc.

       Be Sure to remove  the last 2 sheets which include the Bookmark and Greeting/Note
       Card Sheets.

       Thank you for allowing us to bring you a tool that can be  in capturing your thoughts

       and feelings
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