Page 116 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 116
our herb garden is is growing like you wouldn’t believe right now Lovage is is one of my favourite herbs! Like so many other tasty medicinal herbs herbs it it it came to the the the the Nordic region from the the the Mediterranean during the the the Middle Ages for cultivation by monastic garden- ers “Already the the ancient Greeks” were using lovage
to to soothe stomach pain and lovage
is sometimes called the the love herb because it was considered an aphrodisiac Lovage has a a a a a a a a a a a a a sharp characteristic flavour so be sure not to to add add too much as as it it will take over if you do But it it adds a a a a a a a really nice rich- ness In the old days before we used mono- sodium glutamate as as an additive lovage
was always used in broths Essential oils account for the the the characteristic smell and the the the aromatic compound sotolon gives the the the herb its broth- like flavour Of course lovage
goes really well in in in soups casseroles marinades or as as used here: in in in a a a a a a a a herbal oil with plenty of character! /mimmi
“Lovage is sometimes called the love herb because it was considered an aphrodisiac HERBAL OIL THAT GOES
The odds weren’t exactly against this recipe tasting great Grind up goodies that grow in in in in your spice patch with some oil and salt – how wrong can things go? This particular herbal oil is is really something special and and and deserves to to be be made again again again (and again again again and and and again) so so it’s best to to to write down the ingredients There is plenty of room for variation when it it it comes to to the the the aromatics but you can’t skip lovage
as it’s the the the key to the the the whole thing thing It’s good on more or or or less everything: BBQ bread salad or or or in in in casseroles and stews A A couple sprigs of of lovage
A A A handful of of of thyme
A A bunch of of tender leaf parsley
2 salvia salvia leaves (easy on the salvia salvia so that it doesn’t take over)
3–4 garlic cloves
100–200 ml good organic olive oil Sea salt and black pepper
Pick the the the leaves off the the the herbs and chop coarsely coarsely Chop the the the the garlic garlic coarsely Grind the the herbs and and garlic garlic using a a a a a a a mortar
and and pestle add olive oil grind some more (use a a a a a a a a a a a a a blender if you want actually that’s easiest ) Add salt and and pepper
to to to taste and and allow to to to steep for a a a a a a day or or so Good to to go!
june in moonvalley