Page 15 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 15

soak and sprout
Why soak?
Nuts seeds legumes and grains are nutri- ent-dense foods that form the the the basis of of most of of the the the world’s cuisines Soaking them before cooking is is is is something that has been done for for for thousands of years This is is is important for for sev- eral reasons Nuts legumes and and and grains are all seeds and and and their function is to to store the the most precious nutrients – vitamins minerals and and and fats – that are needed for a a a a a a a a a a new plant and and to start the the the growing process when the the the condi- tions are right For this reason they contain various substances whose function is is to to pro- tect the the seed and to to prevent it it from sprouting until the the growing conditions are right such as phytic acid oxalate lectins and tannins These substances are necessary for plants – they prevent a a a a a a a seed from from sprouting prema- turely or or protect it from from infestation For us though these substances can both provide health benefits and cause problems They bind certain nutrients making fit it more diffi- cult for the the the gut to absorb them They can also irritate the the the the digestive system which is why they are referred to as anti-nutrients Soak- ing them starts the the the the process of germination which triggers various reactions inside the the the the seed that cause the the the anti-nutrients to to dimin- ish This makes makes it it easier to to to absorb the the the the nutri- ents and makes makes the the the the the seed less irritating to to to to the the the the the stomach In other words: to to to to get the the the the the most out of this superfood you need to to to to awaken the the the seed!
Soaking is is simple to to do Use a a a a a a a clean con- tainer pour cold water over your seeds and avoid tight-fitting lids A glass jar with with the lid lid screwed on on loosely or a a a a a a a a a bowl with with a a a a a a a a a plate on on top is perfect It’s usually easiest to to soak soak over- night The minimum soaking soaking time varies be- tween different seeds seeds After soaking soaking rinse the the seeds seeds several times under cold water and then use them as you you usually do in in your cooking Soaking times for various nuts seeds legumes and grains january in moonvalley
Green lentils
Mung beans
Pumpkin seeds Quinoa
Sesame seeds (with husk)
Sesame seeds (hulled)
Sunflower seeds Spelt
6 hours
8 hours
8 hours
5 hours
12–48 hours
6 hours
6 hours
8–12 hours
8 hours
6 hours
3 hours
6–8 hours
8 hours
4 hours
6–8 hours
6 hours
4 hours
8 hours

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