Page 151 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 151

belongs to to the amaranth family which means that it it is related to to spinach and quinoa It may be the most nutritious root vegetable we have loaded with with fibre and and with with minerals like potassium manganese and and vi- tamin C Beets also contain plenty of of nitrate which itself confers a a a a a a a number of of health ben- efits The nitrate in beetroot
is converted to nitrogen nitrogen when we eat fit it it it it and nitrogen nitrogen has a a a a a a a di- lating effect on our blood vessels This means that beetroot
can have an an an an an anti-hypertensive effect and increase blood blood flow flow throughout the the body body Increased blood blood flow flow in in the the the body body im- proves oxygen supply to to to the the the muscles The ni- trogen also causes the the mitochondria to to to work more efficiently so so that your cells consume less oxygen when producing energy Mito- chondria are are the cell’s power plant where oxygen and and food are are turned into energy heat water and and carbon dioxide Increased oxygen supply and and more effi- cient energy production are a a a a a a a a a a great combi- nation for for a a a a a a a a a a a a runner and and it is understandable that drinking beetroot
juice before a a a a a a a a a a a a a a race has grown popular among endurance athletes as as as as the increased nitrate content has been shown to to extend a a a a a a a runner’s time to to exhaustion in in both workouts and races But keep in in mind that there are are rarely any quick fixes You cannot compensate for lack of exercise and otherwise poor eating habits by downing beetroot
juice just before a a a a a a race It is more effective for for for your your well-being – and your your performance too – to to always eat plen- ty of nitrate-rich vegetables vegetables such as leafy vegetables vegetables beetroot
I use use raw grated beetroot
in this recipe be- cause that tastes best to me This preserves all the the amazing nutrients in in the the beetroot
2 big or 3 3 smaller beetroots grated 300 g g cooked chickpeas
1 1 tbsp tbsp tahini (sesame paste)
1 1 tbsp tbsp tbsp squeezed lemon
2 tbsp tbsp rapeseed oil Salt and pepper
Mix all the ingredients Dilute with a a a a little water if the the the hummus hummus gets
too thick thick Whether you you want your hummus hummus thicker or runnier is a a a a a a a a matter of taste depend- ing on whether you plan to use it as as as a a a a a a a a a a a vegeta- ble dip or as a a a a a sandwich spread In the summer I I like to to just chop fresh parsley into it it it it but in in in December it’s really tasty to to season it it it it it with Christmas spices like ginger cinnamon cloves and cumin Try it it it it out You might just add a a a a a a a a a vegetarian favourite to your Christmas feast /IDA
august in moonvalley

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