Page 186 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 186
R acing is so so much more than just rac- ing! It’s also travelling to to other coun- tries having the the chance to to see different
running cultures and experiencing a a a a a a variety of atmospheres surrounding the the events Imagine a a a a a a a cosy Scottish village in in in in the the mid- dle of of September in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a sea of of autumn colours The village is is also ringed by mountains that look like a a a a a a a a a a cross between Swedish and Nor- wegian peaks Does it get any better than this?
Yes! Add to to the the the mix the the the fact that the the the week- end has four races to to suit different
tastes: A A vertical that goes up a a a a a a a a a a a steep grassy and later rocky ridge A 27 km race where you really get a a a a a a a a a a a taste for Scottish terrain It is is techni- cal and steep A lighter ultramarathon that features Ben Nevis but also plenty of flat
running And then there is Glen Coe – the the the race where it all got started Glen Coe is is by far the most technical race race I’ve run Some sections consist of techni- cal scrambling and and you you need to to have both climbing climbing skills and and be able to to prove that you you have gone on on some light technical climbing climbing or scrambling trips in in the the past The first time I ran the the race race was was in in in 2015 That year year it it it was was was was a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a small race race a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a trial year year to to see if if it it it it was was was too technical or if if it it it it was was was feasible All of of us who ran it it it were ecstatic! After about 6 km of of runnable terrain you you run run into an an al- most vertical wall that you you have to to to to scramble up I thought it was amazing to to to be able to to to race in in in this type of setting! After that there was some more runnable but still technical terrain up and and down small peaks Halfway through you cross a a a a a a a a a a a a road and and this is is the only place with water Then comes a a a a a a a steep climb of 1 000 m m m m m that you you surmount in just 2 5 km! At the the the top you you you encounter the the the longest technical ridge you you can imagine before the the the last few ki- lometres running over typically Scottish fens I I I actually set the race race record and I’m proud of of that! This really is is a a a a a a a a a a race race where I I I can squeeze every last drop out of of both my my tech- nical level and my my endurance /emelie
september in moonvalley