Page 201 - Moonvalley Diaries
P. 201
es of vitamin vitamin vitamin A (beta-carotene) vitamin vitamin vitamin K and vitamin vitamin vitamin C Red cabbage is even more nutritious The red
pigment comes from a a a a a a a a a a flavonoid called cyanidine a a a a a a a a a a powerful anti- oxidant Cole crop plants are also very rich in in in in fibre meaning that your tummy will like them They contain both insoluble and solu- ble ble ble fibre fibre Soluble fibre fibre is is the the perfect food for your your gut flora Eating more cabbage is is a a a a a a a a a a a great way to to keep your your stomach healthy and happy Lucky for us!
Cole crop plants have historically been an an an important part of the the the Nordic diet They thrive in in the the the the northern latitudes are climate- friendly and and inexpensive and and one of of them is always in in season And most importantly of of all they taste great! Cole crops take on on add- ed importance for us in in the the the late autumn and winter when there aren’t as many vegetables to choose from in in the the the garden Maximise the the the nutrient availability in in in your cole crops by fermenting them! /mimmi
Examples of plants in the brassica genus:
Kale cabbage cabbage cabbage red
cabbage cabbage cabbage Savoy cabbage cabbage cabbage Brussels sprouts broccoli and cauliflower october in moonvalley
brilliant brassica!
cole crops or brassicas cruciferous plants are a a a a a a a a a a a a plant plant family that that contains lots of stuff that’s really good for for us us humans Cru- ciferous means that that the flower petals form a a a a a a a a a cross In this family we we find many of our most beloved Nordic super crops like rapeseed turnip mustard horseradish chard and al- most every kind of cabbage Cruciferous plants have sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates that give them their characteristic scent and a a a a a a a a a a slightly bitter flavour They smell a a a a a a a a little farty to put it it it bluntly But these sulfur compounds are one of the the reasons that plants like cabbage kale and broccoli are so so good for us us Studies have shown that a a a a a a a a a diet rich in cruciferous plants can reduce the the risk of of a a a a a a a a a a a variety of of chronic dis- eases and that in in in addition to all the the nutrients found in in in in most vegetables – vitamins fibre antioxidants – cole crops in in in particular have proven to be extremely healthy A head of cabbage is such a a a a a a a a a a a humble staple that you easily forget what an an an exceptional food it is Aside from glucosinolates and and anti- oxidants like beta-carotene zeaxhantine and and lutein all cole crop plants are good sourc-
In this family we find many of our most beloved Nordic super crops “