Page 50 - the 32nd UK SummerNational Auction
P. 50

Gothic Cottage ink bottles
Used by the Bermondsey firm of Chandler & Co (Christopher and then William) are the only cottages found in coloured glass. The rarest are amber but blue remains top of collector’s hit list. There are at least nine different variants.
178. C CHANDLER GOTHIC COTTAGE INK. (Inks Book p82, type 1 C13-1). 2.3ins tall, sheared lip. Very heavily embossed - criss cross roof, 2 windows & door to front, watter butt to side, nib indent area to rear. Pale blue cottages are infrequently seen but strong blues such as this example rarely come on to the open market. Base embossed C. CHANDLER & Co. Full sheen, crude slag in roof. Exc/A1. 9.8/10. NR. £2,000-3,000+
 179. MAHONY GOTHIC COTTAGE INK. (Inks book p82, C13- 1a). 2.4ins tall, Very heavily embossed - criss cross roof, 2 windows & door to front, watter butt to side, nib indent area to rear. Gothic Cottage with same water butt mould as previous
but base heavily embossed ‘R MAHONY. These appear
to have been mostly discovered around the Birmingham area (from
 where this was consigned)
but the retailer and relationship
to Chandler is yet to be identified. NR. NR.
 180. FRENCH BASKET FIGURAL INK. 2.1ins tall. Figural in the form of a compressed barrel shaped, basket-like design, probably meant to echo
a bottle covered with ratan protection. The maker was unknown when the Inks Book went to press
 181. DIAMOND REGISTRY BEEHIVE FOUNTAIN INK. (Inks Book p344-45 T10-1). 1.4ins tall. Aqua glass figural teakettle, sheared lip (registered by glassmakers Joseph Teagle and Edwin Martin in 1866) raised detailing. Diamond registry mark to
182. BEEHIVE FIGURAL INK. (Inks Book p46, B14-1). 1.7ins tall. Like the Teagle
& Martin bottle, this burst lip design features a figural straw bee skep. On very close inspection there
are even tiny bees embossed above the
hive entrance. Two
other bottles in pale
tints of blue have
been noted, one in
the Ault Collection.
A small thin lip flake
- a truly exceptional
rarity. 9/10. NR. £800- 1,000+
base. Other lamp designs are also known but the company went bankrupt 2
(listed in it under barrel shapes as B8.3, p.44) it has recently identified from a
catalogue advertisement (see BBR 176, p.34) as a French bottle used by J. Gardot of Djon. The company’s other bottles are listed on p136 of
the Inks Book. Extremely rare figural, around 5 known. Guy Burch Reserve
600+Collection.Exc/A1. 9.8/10. NR. £500-
  years later. This is an extremely rare offering -
perhaps 10 known..
£800- 1,000+
9.8/10. NR.

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