Page 18 - Sat 1 & Sun 2 July SummerNational Show w/e Auctions
P. 18

 58. SKULL POISON BOTTLE. (DP pg 20 - correctly dubbed ‘deaths head’) 2.8ins tall. Cobalt blue glass moulded as a skull standing on crossed bones base. Embossed POISON to forehead. PAT. APPLD. FOR to rear near base. Crossed bones to underside. In manufacture lip/ right neck side flaw to glass. The rarest small size. Roy Sherwin Colln. 9/10. NR. £1,500- 2,000+
59. SKULL POISON BOTTLE. (DP pg 20 - correctly dubbed ‘deaths head’) 2.8ins tall. Cobalt blue glass moulded as a skull standing on crossed bones base. Embossed POISON to forehead. PAT. APPLD. FOR to rear near base. Crossed bones to underside with PAT/ JUNE/ 26TH/ 1894. Mid size of the three. Tiny, thin rear lip flake. Roy Sherwin Colln. 8.8/10. NR. £1,500-2,000+
60. SKULL POISON BOTTLE. (DP pg 20 - correctly dubbed ‘deaths head’) 2.8ins tall. Cobalt blue glass moulded as a skull standing on crossed
bones base. Embossed POISON
to forehead. PAT. APPLD. FOR to
rear near base. Crossed bones to underside with PAT/ JUNE/ 26TH/ 1894. Largest size of the trio. Pinhead size top of lip flake, bottom edge & bones section repaired - displays very well. Roy Sherwin Colln. 8.8/10. NR. £400+ 500+.
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