Page 45 - April 22 & 23 April
P. 45
252. ALL SOULS COMMON ROOM SEALED WINE BOTTLE. 10.3ins tall, heavy freeblown black glass, long neck (wonky), super double collar lip. rough base pontil. Crude mid body seal. A.S/ C.R. Some body patination/ dullness but overall a very characterful piece of, undamaged, early black glass. 8.8/10. NR. £150-200+.
254. DATED 1809 SIR WILLIAM STRICKLAND BART SEALED WINE BOTTLE. 9.6ins tall. Black/ dark green glass. Squat shouldered form, short, bulbous, neck. A really crudely hand applied double collar lip, deep, pontilled, kick up. Very finely struck mid body seal. Some internal residue - to clean
up, good base pontil. Very crisply struck
mid body seal - Lin Coll, decorative swirls around. A little inner residue, overall full glass sheen, crude rear in manufacture flaw Very good. 9/10. NR. £120-150+
255. W D C SEALED WINE BOTTLE. 11.7ins. A very heavy black glass cylinder, double collar lip (cork inside). Crisply struck seal just below the shoulder. Pontilled base kick up. Small burst air bubble to side otherwise full sheen and good. 9/10. NR. £60-80+
or leave? Sir William was
the 6th Baronet of Boynton, Yorkshire - well documented. Just a fine, undamaged, example of a classic early wine. 9.5/10. NR. £200-300+
253. LINCOLN COLLEGE SEALED WINE BOTTLE. 11.5ins tall. A fine three part black glass wine/ very dark green, rounded shoulders, double collar lip, base kick
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