Page 14 - GBC Spring 2020 ENG
P. 14

   experience from their life. How can we expect them to offer it if they’ve rarely experienced it?
 Obviously, the communication gap caused by the use of slang is not new. Each generation has their own version of communication short- hand that makes them unique. The deciphering goes both ways. This is why young kids look at you like you have two heads when you say,“ Can you feel the hand of this shirt?”
  same qualities. No matter what generation you are trying to manage, we need to be awesome managers, supervisors and fellow employees at all times. This year, promise yourself that you won’t bring back any duds.
Golf Business Canada
Connecting to Millennial and Gen Z workers isn’t just about fancy break rooms, it’s about listening to them and understanding their unique wants and needs. It’s about real relationships. And, it’s about empowering them to achieve goals that are relevant and compelling in terms of today’s career and life priorities that they have.
STEP 2: DEFINE YOUR EVP (Employee Value Proposition)
According to the Center for Generational Kinetics (CGK - yes that’s a real place), there is no ‘one size fits all’ strategy that is guaranteed to attract all of today’s top Millennial and Gen Z talent. “Every organization is different and, as such, every employer brand has to reflect what makes the culture, values, and mission unique. Above all, however, an employer brand has to be authentic. Millennial and Gen Z Candidates want to see that the story they hear during the recruiting process matches the reality of their day-to- day when they come on board. If the two don’t match up, they will be a lot less likely to stick around.”
you apart from your competition and will always help your business make more money.
Hiring staff has changed from, ‘I have a job for you’ into ‘What can we do for you?’ It’s now a customer vs. salesperson situation and we are the salesperson! To attract them, we need to consider each potential employee as the customer. We need to sell them on the features and benefits of working at our club.
 So, as we begin a new year with our hopes and dreams for a better season, filled with fewer HR headaches, happier customers, more sales and greater financial success, let’s look at the 5 impor- tant steps that we need to follow.
  Happiness can exist. A 2017 study of Millennials identified 6 key factors that made them enjoy their job. They are:
 1. Company culture and transparency;
 2. Relationships with colleagues;
 3. Manager support and recognition;
 4. Flexibility;
 5. Career development and
 6. Work-life integration.
  According to Gallup, a happier workplace leads to 48% more pro- ductivity, 51% less turnover and 33% more profitability. So yes, the vernacular has changed, and the hairstyles, and yes, the music no longer has any rhythm, but if you look around, people are still people. Creating a great work environment, filled with passionate and service- oriented staff, is possible and worth it. Having engaged staff all work- ing toward a common goal, can set
 Before we get into finding and keeping staff, a quick word about bringing back duds. Don’t do it. Yes, it’s challenging to find staff. Yes, it’s scary to think that we might need to find two people for every position because one of them might quit. The value in staying committed to the tried and proven principle that ‘you are only as good as your weakest link’ will soon become apparent.
 Positive, energetic, professional and committed people want to work alongside others with the

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