Page 18 - GBC Fall 2018 Eng
P. 18

Cameron Jacobs
Cameron is a Class A PGA Professional, and heads up The Performance Lab at TaylorMade Golf Canada’s Headquarters in Woodbridge, Ontario. He can be reached at or
Golf Business Canada
It’s no surprise that the industry has seen, and will continue to see a steady increase in custom  tting sales every year going forward. As golf equipment design becomes more sophisticated, the goal of the engineers more often than not, is to allow for simpler adjustability for the player to dial in launch conditions and performance.
While equipment vendors can offer more experience and options when present for an event, many players can  nd an ideal  t in the pro shop through some tried and tested strategies. In this article, we will examine how  tting carts, demo club  eets and rental set options managed by the pro shop team at your facility can drive sales.
Fit carts are provided by the vendor or purchased as part of a booking program. A  tting cart is a set of interchangeable 7-iron heads of varying lie angle and custom iron shafts of varying weight,  ex and length.
Some carts also include multiple driver/fairway/rescue heads along with appropriate custom shaft options to be used to custom  t a consumer and optimize performance. These tools are stored/displayed in a branded “box on wheels” to make transporting between the clubhouse and practice area easy and organized.
The  rst key to growing your custom  t business is to let customers know your facility is set up to  t! Placing the  t cart consistently either in the pro shop or on the range informs the customer that you are there to custom  t equipment to their style of play.
The ability to purchase demos are included in most booking programs, either in a pre-pack or à la carte. These can be used to build dedicated  tting options or be reserved for players to test-drive on course. In an ideal scenario, demos can be used on the course, while components of a  tting cart remain intact to ensure any dedicated  ttings are executed with a  t cart that is well stocked.
How to

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