Page 20 - GBC Fall 2018 Eng
P. 20

Fit carts are a rolling advertisement for custom  tting.
demos are available to be hit on course. This is also a great location to advertise the  t cart if not in plain view, and any upcoming  tting days/demo days.
While demo products should be made available daily, from time to time, players will request to take a piece from the  t cart on to the golf course. While it can be hard to say no to an interested customer, having a half empty  t cart limits the options for the remainder of your customers looking for service. We recommend setting aside speci c windows where  t cart parts can be taken on course.
As instruction and equipment go hand in hand, teaching professionals should be made aware of  tting tools as resources they can use to help students improve faster. Whether it’s with their best players, where high performance equipment is a mandatory requirement, or with a beginner’s clinic where the student might not yet own clubs, well  t equipment can make all the difference and inspire customers to see your facility as their one-stop shop for all their golf needs.
Print/Digital Peripherals
As mentioned, some well-placed signage can help to guide customers to sales opportunities, hard-cards and bag-stuffers can be used to spur interest in other events going on at your facility.
With demos being signed out – some shops may choose to bill a small fee of $5, $10, $15 per use, with the customer receiving equal value in shop credit, incenting them to keep their purchases with your facility. This can be presented as a gift certi cate for use at any time in the future.
The same goes with rental sets. If guests visiting without clubs are willing to pay a rental fee of $40- $50/per use, they might be in the
Demo clubs can be housed in branded staff bags and are traditionally best placed within easy reach of the golf shop counter. As these clubs will need to be signed out by the customer, it’s best to keep them close to counter staff, so they can at the very least suggest a good model to try out and open the sales conversation.
Also purchased as part of a booking program, full sets of rental golf clubs and bags which can be rented out to players travelling to your facility without their own clubs. Whether it is for a casual round or corporate event, attendees that are not frequent golfers appreciate being able to test out the latest technology. In many cases, a rental set is the  rst experience a developing player will have with their next set. Oftentimes, rental fees can become revenue generators, and easily cover your initial outlay.
Rental sets, displayed in a prominent location, can actually help to incite trial vs. hiding them in the back shop. Placement along a wall in the shop or out with bag drop staff for easy loading on to carts, creates a visual that you have options available.
Now that you have the right setup, let’s explore the importance of  ttings, on course demos, clinics/ instruction and print/digital peripherals in promoting product trial of your equipment. These marketing strategies are key in generating custom  t sales.
Fit carts, due to the size of the “box on wheels” and vendor branding are a rolling advertisement for custom  tting. Storing a  t cart out of sight in a cart barn or bag room, does it and your business a disservice.
The best placement is to display the cart inside the pro shop or in the vicinity where it is visible to golfers, yet in view of shop staff. If the cart is lockable, rolling the cart out to the practice area along with some signage that includes the times or dates when a trained staff member will be present on the rangeforbooked ttings,willhelp customers know when to seek out assistance.
On Course Demo
Signage indicating the availability of demos for on course usage in the vicinity of the display is a great way to ensure that customers know those
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