Page 50 - GBC spring 2015
P. 50

Published quarterly and distributed to every golf course operator in Canada, Golf Business Canada is a uniquely targeted and comprehensive look into all the departments of a golf operation. To send your feedback on this edition, please contact the editorial team at
Golf Business Canada
Honourable Mentions
The Missing Link Idea Session Game Show held at the 2014 Golf Business Canada Conference & Trade Show was a throwback to the classic TV games shows of the past and was very entertaining for all in attendance. Not only did the at- tendees have the pleasure of seeing James Cronk, the host, in his finest 1970’s leisure suit, but they also came away with dozens of great ideas to consider for implementa- tion at their facility.
Initially, numerous fantastic ideas were shared amongst each team in a roundtable setting and then the team formally presented their best idea to all in attendance. In addition to the top four ideas which earned the presenters great prizes from Kubota (see previous page for #4); there were also many other ideas that deserve an Hon- ourable Mention and which may help increase net profit at your facility.
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