Page 4 - LKPD 123_Neat fb
P. 4

                                                         2  meeting

                       Setelah menyelesaikan proses pembelajaran diharapkan siswa dapat :
                          1.  Menganalisis  fungsi  social,  struktur  teks  dan  unsur  kebahasaan
                              tentang nama hari dan bulan

                          2.   Membuat sebuah paragraph pendek/singkat  tentang nama hari dan

                     ACTIVITY 1
                     Let’s observe!
                                                              Let’s watch the video about
                                                              short paragraph the relation

                                                             of telling the days and months

                     From the video, I can learned….



                     ACTIVITY 2
                     Let’s find out!                       Now we will learn to find the difficult
                                                           word of the short paragraph about day
                                                                         and month it.
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