Page 16 - The Law of Lashes Ultimate Lash Ebook
P. 16


      Whether you’re are new to lashing or you’ve been in the industry since its
    conception, it’s normal to have questions about what all these different types
     of lashes are - why are they called Silk? Is that really Mink? What’s a flat lash?
                    What gives easy fanning lashes their name?

      To put it very simply, all eyelash extensions... pretty much anywhere in the
     industry, at this point, are made from a synthetic fiber called PBT, which is a
     kind of plastic used mainly in wiring - it’s sturdy, it keeps its shape, it’s vegan
            friendly and it’s hypoallergenic. It’s a big list of wins, basically.

    In the very early days of eyelash extensions, it was possible to get lashes made
   from mink fur which, if you didn’t know, is a super cute little animal that looks a
     bit like a ferret, but with super soft fur. The days of using actual mink fur for
     eyelash extensions is, thankfully, long gone. Not only is it cruel to the animal,
     but it doesn’t keep its curl, you can’t get them wet, lengths vary from hair to
     hair, and it can cause allergies in lots of people. The same can be said of Silk
    and Cashmere. Now, we use the terms Silk, Mink and Cashmere etc. simply to
     highlight that there is a difference in their appearance - in our case Mink are
           shinier, Silk is more matt, but this varies from brand to brand.

          So, when you should and should not use a specific type of lash?

      A deep black fiber with a shiny finish and tapered end. These lashes were
    available in thicknesses ranging from 0.03 all the way up to 0.25, however, we
    trying to steer away from mink lash. The lash industry doesn't recommend lash
    professionals use mink but more so PBT material lash fibers which is majority
                       of the lash extensions made today.

    Black fibers with a more matt finish, these lashes are also tapered at the ends
     for a softer, more natural finish. Like Mink, we have these lashes available in
      thicknesses ranging from 0.04 - 0.25 to suit all your clients. The more matt
        finish lends itself well to those who want a bit more of a natural finish.
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