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Mercedes Daniels- Lawrence is a wife, mom of three boys, beauty professional,
CEO, founder and educator. Mercedes attended cosmetology school full-time as
her children attended tradition schooling. She soon received a master license in
Cosmetology in 2017, in the state of New York. Moving forward to 2020, during a
very difficult time for us all, our founder decided to expand her beauty license
and enrolled into two of the top online lash academies in Canada and Las Vegas
all in the midst of a global pandemic.
While studying at one of the leading NALA accredited lash extension academies
in North America and the Canadian Territories, she received five individual
certifications in classic lashing, volume lashing, lash lifting and tinting, wispy
lashing and fan making. Mercedes, then went on to receive two certifications as a
lash extension educator and a course creator. In hopes to teach others on a
much larger scale, Mrs. Mercedes Daniels-Lawrence created The Law of Lashes
Elite Training Program in 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic.
With twenty years of beauty experience, seven lash extension certifications
between Canada & North America and a master license in cosmetology in the
state of New York. Mrs. Daniels-Lawrence wanted to incorporate her knowledge
of eyelash extension and her passion to give back to others, she decided to bring
both to a broader platform with a collection of informative beauty and business
manual e-books. Mrs. Daniels Lawrence believes in the term “Each One Teaches
One” she now brings her lash extension knowledge to elite lash trainees all over
the world.