Page 84 - millerwelds catalog_2022
P. 84

                    ®                                                                    Heavy industrial
     Big Blue  800 Series See literature ED/14.0
     The most powerful lineup of diesel welder/generators in the industry. Robust output for welding and   Stick (SMAW)   MIG (GMAW)   1
                                                                                         Flux-cored (FCAW)    DC TIG (GTAW)
     power generation; ideal for dual-operator applications on labor-intensive or limited-space jobsites.  RMD®    Pulsed MIG (GMAW-P)
                                                                                         Submerged arc (SAW)
                                                                                         Air carbon arc cutting and gouging
                                                                                         (CAC-A) (rated 1/2 in. carbons)
                                                                                         Stud (1/2 in.)
                                                                                         1 With wire feeder.
                                                                                         2 With ArcReach Smart Feeder.
                                                          Parameter control at the wire
                                                          feeder or stick/TIG remote     Diesel engine
                                                          without needing a control cord.    EPA Tier 4 Final
                                                                                         Deutz TD2.9 L4: 65.7 hp at 1,800 rpm
                                                          Standard on all models. See
                                                                                         Turbo-charged, four-cylinder, industrial,
                                                          page 78 for more information.
                                                                                         Note: Engines are warrantied separately
                                                                                         by engine manufacturer.
                                                                                         Most popular accessories
                                                          Work hassle-free with full
                                                                                         SuitCase® Feeders (pg 18/47)
                                                          welder/generator control
                                                                                         ArcReach ® Smart Feeder (pg 18/47)
                                                          in the palm of your hand.      ArcReach ® Stick/TIG Remote (pg 47)
                                                          Factory-installed option on    ArcReach ® Heater (pg 47/92)
                                                          select models. See page 80 for   Dynasty 210® Series (pg 57)
     Big Blue 800                               Big Blue 800    more information.        Full KVA Adapter Cord  300517
     Duo Pro                                     Duo Air Pak                             (pg 120)
                                                          Note: WIC-equipped Big Blue 800 Series
                                Wireless interface        machines include two remotes so both   Full KVA Plug Kit (pg 120)
                                control (WIC) optional    operators have full control of their processes   119172  Single-phase
                                on select models.         and parameters.                254140  Three-phase
                                                                                         Protective Cover  301113 (pg 120)
                                                                                         Remote Output Panel Kit  951850
     Multi-arc welding. One dependable engine —    Dynamic DIG  technology automatically   (pg 120)
     two independent arcs with up to 400 amps each.    adjusts the amount of current required    HWY-225 Trailer  301338 (pg 121)
     Or plug in additional inverters for a true multioperator   to clear a short. Delivers a smoother,   Desiccant Air Dry System
     work platform! Example: Two additional XMT ®  machines   more consistent arc that can be tailored to match the   (Air Pak model only)
     equals four operators, up to 200 amps each. Premium   application, material, fit-up and welder technique.   195117  Side mount
                                                                                         195117001 Rear mount
     quality arcs allow operators to work independently with   Industrial USB port. Upload the latest software and   Eliminates moisture in the air stream
     no arc interaction. Multioperator welding has never   download machine log files to retrieve information such   and prevents air line freeze-ups in
     been easier or more versatile.          as diagnostics and machine statistics.      cold climates
     Increased efficiency. More arcs and better fuel economy   20,000 watts of pure generator power. Plug in Miller®   Cold Weather Kit  301482
     equal increased profits for your business. Estimated   inverter-based power sources for additional welding arcs.   Spark Arrestor Kit  195012
                                                                                         Wireless Interface Control Screen
     savings are up to 34 percent with a dual-operator unit
                                             Standard features include ArcReach, digital meters   Protectors  287594 (5 pack)
     versus two single-operator units.                                                   Visit or your distributor
                                             with SunVision,  auto matic idle, 120-volt block heater
     Simple paralleling switch makes switching from a   and vandalism lockout kit (protects control panel and   for other Miller® options and accessories.
     single operator to dual operators a breeze. Weld up to   receptacles).
     400 amps per side when set up in dual-operator mode,
                                             Ingersoll Rand ultra-reliable industrial rotary screw
     or up to 800 amps in single-operator mode.
                                             compressor (Air Pak  model only). 30,000-hour life
     Electronic engine display               expectancy. Independent on/off control for applications
     simultaneously displays fuel level,     not requiring compressed air — allows greater fuel savings
     engine hours, coolant temperature, oil   and longer compressor service intervals.
     pressure, battery volts and engine rpm.
     Also tracks oil change intervals and
     displays engine diagnostics for easier servicing. Air Pak
     model adds air pressure and compressor hours displays.
     *Big Blue 800 Duo Air Pak has welder truck specific models available — visit or your distributor for more information.
        Model/Stock Number*   Welding              Amp/Volt    Rated Output at 100% Duty   Generator Power
        Big Blue 800 Duo Pro    Mode/Process   Output Mode   Ranges   Cycle at 104°F (40°C)   at 104°F (40°C)   Dimensions   Net Weight
        (907751) Deutz    CC/DC     Separate (dual outputs)   20–400 A   400 A at 36 V (each side)   Three-phase    H: 46 in.    Duo Pro:
        (907751001) Deutz with WIC   (Stick/TIG)                            Peak: 27,000 watts        (1,168 mm)   1,869 lb. (848 kg)
                                    Paralleled (combined)   40–800 A   700 A at 44 V, 800 A at 38 V
        Big Blue 800 Duo Air Pak                                            Continuous: 20,000 watts   W: 28.5 in.    Duo Air Pak:
      Diesel  (907752) Deutz   CV/DC   Separate (dual outputs)   15–50 V   400 A at 34 V (each side)   Single-phase    D: 69.5 in.    2,095 lb. (968 kg)
                                                                                                (724 mm)
        (907752003) Deutz with WIC
                                                                            Peak: 15,000 watts
                                    Paralleled (combined)  15–50 V  750 A at 40 V, 800 A at 38 V   Continuous: 12,000 watts      (1,765 mm)
        Ingersoll Rand CE55 G1   Features               Free Air Delivery   Working Pressure Constant   Duty Cycle   Oil Capacity
        Air Compressor    Rotary screw with electric clutch for on/off, oil change   Idle: 40 cfm (1.13 m /min.)   100 psig (7 bar)  100%  4 qt. (3.79 L)
        (Air Pak model only)
                         intervals of 500 hours, life expectancy of 30,000 hours  Weld: 60 cfm (1.70 m /min.)
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