Page 4 - science final
P. 4

Delta Modern Language Schools      Unit (1) concept (1)
Science department
Grade 4
1st term 2024-2025

                Adaptation and Survival

Adaptation: - It’s a characteristic of living organisms that allows them to

changeand helps them to survive and reproduce in the ecosystem through

                Types of adaptation in animals

Structural adaptation                   Behavioral adaptation

 It’s a change in body structure.  It’s a change in the behaviors or acts of animals.

Structural    animal                Way of          Behavioral    animal       Way of
adaptation   Penguin              adaptation        adaptation    Desert     adaptation
            Polar bear                                             lizard
              Fennec            Feet / feathers                                Finding
             fox and              White fur                       Fennec       shaded
             caracal                                                fox          area.
                                  Ear (size,                                  Panting /
            Arctic fox          shape) / sandy                  Arctic fox    hiding in
                                                                              burrows /
            Bull shark           colored fur                    Bull shark     types of
                                  Ear (size,                                    food.
             Panther           shape) / the fur                  Panther      Types of
            chameleon           color changes                   chameleon    food/hiding
                                in winter and                                in burrows.
                                   summer                                    Hunting at
                               Countershading                                  day and
                               / lives in fresh                                 night.
                                and salt water
                               Colored scales                                Puffing the
                               / eyes move in                                 body with
                                  directions                                      air.

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