Page 3 - the story of motoring
P. 3
The Education Office will gladly assist any teacher or student in
connection with a museum visit or topic work in the classroom. Teachers
can make a free preliminary visit if they inform the department in ad-
vance. During a visit a school party can be given a guided tour, film
show, illustrated lectures, ~0Stltme and lecture, and shown cut away engines.
The Education Officer can be contacted on Beaulieu 612345, Extension 37.
duseqn kirkbook, worksheets, childrens guide, colour catalogue
The Story of Motoring topic - wallchart, 60 frame filmstrip
The Motorbike Story 60 frame filmstrip
- Author Publisher
tMS% '
?he Guinness Book of Car Facts
and Feats Ed. Anthony Harding Guinness Superlatives Ltd.
"FlhEI Guinness Book of Motbrcycling
Facts and Feats
- -
All Colour world- of Cars Phil Drackett Octopus
t'he - Car Ed. Maurice Smith 'o, : St. Richael
- '4
bnd Speed Record C. Posthumus Osprey
The En~yclopaedia af the Motpr
7' Ed. Phil Drackett Octopus
%e Motor Car Burgess Wise . Orbis
I me Birth of the Notor Car P. Sumner & J. Tyler Osborne
H s t Loved Cars of the World J. Plummer Ward Ldck
Motoring in the 20s and 30s A. Demaus Batsford
- The Mtoring Edwardians P. Roberts Ian Allen
Ve4m-n eRd Vintage Cars P. Roberts Octopus
ptoran Cars F. Wilson-McComb Hamlyn
.ZT -
kbn%ag&c Cyril Posthumus- ' Hamlyn ,
3 - ?&
9rs -6f tk 493~s . M. Sedgwick Batsford
9: B)IO~QI?~&~ 194$-1~?5!&.. @. M. Sedgwick Batsford
f -C N. Georgano .- . .
H%Uory d? Sport! Cars
' Nelson
dx%pG#& E~lopa~d~~Motor % yc'- . -\ 2;. ,..
l$~re 1q885 to the Present1 * Ed. G.N. ~eopgano ~b;ry press
- -.
l$e Invention of Bicyclm end ..
&torcyclw - ,y ',a', . 7 ~oberts Osborne
. -
me $story of+otorc;cling C. Ryton, 8. Holliday, '%.
'5 ' - " -3 . M . Winf ield Orbis
C. Post humus,
- - .- -: $f > . .
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