Page 54 - Reading Investigation
P. 54

E.  Sumber belajar

            1.  Buku teks yang relevan: Let’s Talk for SMP-7  penerbit PAKAR
                 RAYA  dan  Scaffolding  English  for  SMP  7-  Jaka  Priyana
                 Narasumber, Kaset/CD  .
            2.  Gambar-gambar yang relevan

        F.  Penilaian
         Indikator Pencapaian       Teknik     Bentuk       Instrumen/ Soal
         Kompetensi                 Penilaian   Instrumen
         ➢    Mengidentifikasi      Unjuk      Menjawab     a.  Read the text and
              berbagai informasi    kerja      pertanyaan        choose    the
              dalam teks fungsional                              correct answer.
              pendek berbentuk :               Melengkapi    b. Complete the
              -   Instruksi                    kalimat/fra-se   sentences with the
                                    Tes  tulis
              -   Pesan pendek                                suitable verbs in the
              -   Pengumuman                   Menjodohkan    box
                                                            c.  Answer the
                                                              questions based on
                                                              the    text!

                                                            2. Match the text with
                                                              the correct  pictures

            1.  Instrumen:
        A. Complete the following sentences with appropriate verbs in
        the box.
              1. ………… for me. I’ll be ready in a few minutes.
              2. ……….. me the salt and pepper, please.
              3. ……….. up! It’s time to get up.
              4. ……….. pages 7 through 9 for tomorrow ‘s class.
              5. ………… the light on, please. It’s getting dark here.
                   •  Pass                          * Read
                   •  Wait                          * Close

                   •  Wake                                 * Come
                   •  Put                            *  Turn
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