Page 11 - Labrada_GmbH_Cat_1
P. 11

GT Corr IR

            System dedicated to those that want to upgrade the existing
            inking system, controlling the speed of the pumps from PLC
            in a precise and timely way, also allowing the system to recover
            all the ink from the circuit. To carry out the washing,
            it will be necessary to replace the bucket of ink with a bucket
            of water and cleaning solution.

            GT Corr IRW

            Complete system that, in addition to the precise and timely
            control of the speed of the pumps from PLC, allowing the system
            to recover all the ink from the circuit, performs an automatic
            washing than can be entirely customisable.
            The system will automatically manage the water and drain
            lines during the washing phase.

            GT Corr IRW+

            System completed with a dispenser for the addition of the washing
            solution during the automatic washing phase for a deep and quick
            cleaning, for an efficient and fast production.

                             CONTROLLED      RECOVERY     TOUCH         QUICK          WATER           CLEANER
                                INKING                    SCREEN        WASK          EMPTYING

             GT CORR IR           √             √            √
             GT CORR IRW          √             √            √            √               √
             GT CORR IRW+         √             √            √            √               √                √

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