Page 8 - 1a. Master Informed Choices Guide 2017 American English version. edited_Neat
P. 8

(Free to all American & Canadian Students over the age of sixteen years.)

                                                     Topic Four:
                                   Sojournertruth and her version of the truth.
                                               Within chapter 41 we read.

               The result of Ann's jealousy is the dismissal of Catherine from the Folger home as her services
               are surplus to requirements! Within the narrative of Isabella, we are told; ‘This jealousy was
               shown within a few weeks after the breaking up of the kingdom, and did not diminish.’
               Once Ann had removed Catherine from the Folger home the situation for Catherine became
               devastating as she ‘and her children became in want.’ (Ref: N115)   Rejected by the Folgers
               Catherine once again renews her loyalties with Matthias and Sojournertruth who at this time
               was living comfortably with Mrs. Whiting in Canal Street, New York. As the friendship is
               restored  Sojournertruth  attempts  to  help  Catherine,  she  gives  her  cash  funds  along  with
               introducing  Catherine  to  Mr.  Western  who  is  the  defense  attorney  for  Matthias.  Together
               Matthias, Sojournertruth, Catherine and Margaret are standing shoulder to shoulder attempting
               to tell their version of the truth. They are at a most considerable disadvantage due to lack of
               finances, standing within the community and support from the newspapers. In many ways, they
               are persecuted and condemned by public's awareness of perceived negativity against them as
               perpetrated by the wealthy and powerful members of New York Society.
               Catherine  was  interviewed  more  than  once  by  Mr.  Western  after  which  she  continually
               confirmed her version of events which backed up the testimony of Sojournertruth. Together
               they  are  attempting  to  stand  strong  against  overwhelming  odds.  While  Catherine
               communicated with Mr. Western she informed him of her involvement with Benjamin, the
               response from Western was ‘that he is satisfied with the truth of Isabella's narrative, and
               she (Catherine) only confirmed it.' (Ref N116)
               Catherine  also  informed  Sojournertruth  of  shocking  actions  which  Ann  Folger  had  been
               implementing  against  her  and  Matthias.  On  hearing  of  the  actions  of  Ann  Folger,
               Sojournertruth  became  angry  as  she  disliked  the  idea  of  Mr.  Stone  writing  for  the  Folger
               encampment against her and Matthias!
               From Sojournertruth's viewpoint, we are told. ‘When Isabella was thus informed, that a
               formidable  book  was  coming  out  against  her  and  Matthias  by  Mrs.  Folger,  ----she
               exclaimed, with much energy, (for she is really very energetic and not very timid,) I have
               got the truth and I know it and I will crush them with the truth. We have no doubt that
               Isabella was furious on this occasion and perhaps expressed some bitter wishes under
               such feelings.'

                                              The point of study or debate:

               7. The often quoted famous words of Sojournertruth are critical, she said; "I have got the
               truth, and I know it, and I will crush them with the truth." Why is it essential to understand
               the full context and history of this famous quotation? Could this quotation be misunderstood
               or misused in ignorance and planned design?

               8. Why is it important to understand the reasons behind Ann and Benjamin Folger dissent
               towards Isabella (Sojournertruth) and Prophet Matthias?

               Please remember all newspaper and historical documents are presented in their original
               format in bold and blueprint, with no corrections for spelling or grammar. All sections
               submitted for consideration are presented inside black outlined text boxes
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