Page 23 - Marketing Outsource Services v1
P. 23

“It has been a pleasure to work with Lenny on                                                  “Lenny's approach to new ideas, marketing,
                                                                                                            numerous occasions across a host of                                                   and creativity is fantastic. His dedication to a
                    CLIENT                                                                              combination of commercial and marketing                                                    project or idea is always followed through to
                                                                                                          marketing initiatives. Lenny has a great
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the very end, due to his willingness to
                                                                                                     acumen which in my experience is a rare mix.

                                                                                                       He has helped a number of companies drag                                                    achieve, and his focus on attention to detail”
                    FEEDBACK                                                                               their marketing programs into the 21st


                                                                                                                                  Ethan White                                                                                 Mike Roberts
                                                                                                                       Owner, Kingswood Media                                                                    Director, Making Digital Real

                                                                                                               “I have worked with Lenny on several                                                  I have the pleasure to work with Lenny for

                    Feedback for us is a                                                               occasions on international postal solutions and                                           almost a year now. Lenny supports me with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    highest standard of English translations for
                                                                                                             IT security projects. Lenny's skills, good
                    critical element of what                                                             humour and friendly personality have been a                                                  our Clipper marketing team. Both in quiet
                    we do. We live or die by                                                            strong asset and very valuable addition to the                                           times and in peak times, I can always count on
                                                                                                          projects. Lenny is an outstanding marketing
                    our reputation. Word of                                                             professional with a long experience within the                                           Lenny. He reacts promptly, keeps his promises
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and delivers perfect work. Lenny is very
                    mouth is one of the most                                                                 field of media and communication and a                                               accessible, friendly and it's always a pleasure

                    powerful methods of                                                                                  passion for what he does”                                                     to work with him. I recommend him with
                    promotion. We work hard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Monique Vreeswijk
                    for our clients and we are                                                                         Jonas-Lyngdahl-Seidenfaden                                                       Content Marketeer, Clipper Interall, NL
                                                                                                                                 Owner, Danastar
                    always thrilled when we

                    earn our referrals.                                                                  I worked with Lenny during my time at Frama                                                 Working with Lenny over the past year has
                                                                                                            (UK) . He was instrumental in helping me                                                  been an absolute pleasure. Always full of

                                                                                                       launch the SaaS side of the business and grow                                              ideas and marketing strategies to discuss. We
                                                                                                          revenue within this new venture. Alongside                                             work together on behalf of a mutual client and
                                                                                                         this, we worked closely together on all sales                                               it's been a wonderful experience. Lenny is
                                                                                                         campaigns and nothing was too much trouble                                               extremely knowledgeable in what he does and
                                                                                                             for him. Aligning with Lenny allowed my                                                     has proven this with his implemented
                                                                                                           function as Head of Sales to be incredibly                                                  marketing strategies across the board.

                                                                                                                 successful and set new records and
                                                                                                                     achievements for the company.

                                                                                                                                     Peter Barley                                                                                Zoe Miles
                                                                                                                      Global Sales Director, AppZen                                                          Lead Account Manager, Pure 360
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