Page 63 - Top Items
P. 63

Article 5029

                                                                                                 Windproof system

                                                                                                 Genuine wood handle
                                                                                                 with promotional
                                                                                                 labelling option (natural
                                                                                                 colour variation)

                                                                Cover made of
                                                                   recycled plastic

         Mini umbrella ÖkoBrella

         Attractively priced, sustainable manual open mini umbrella with a cover
         made of recycled plastics

         Easy to handle thanks to safety runner, high-quality windproof system for maximum frame
         flexibility in stormy conditions, polyester Pongee waterSAVE  cover material made of
         recycled plastics and dyed using a water-saving process, wooden handle with
         promotional labelling option

         natural white wS  red wS  lime wS  navy wS  grey wS  black wS

         PRODUCT FEATURES                         PRODUCT FEATURES

         Umbrella diameter    98 cm
         Closed length   26 cm
         Number of panels     8
         Weight            265 g
         Frame            3-section
         Cover            100% Polyester pongee   IMPRINTING
                         (recycled & waterSAVE )
         Handle           Genuine wood
         Shaft             Steel                           1 = 120 mm
                                                           2 = 120 mm
         Purchase unit    48                               3 = 180 mm  80 × 10 mm  120 × 45 mm  ø  20 mm  ø  20 mm

                                                                                 e the right to change colour
                                                                                               s, technical details or desig
                                                                              e r
                                                                e appr
                                                   e and w
                                                       eight indications ar
                                                Measure and weight indications are approximate figures only. We reserve the right to change colours, technical details or designs.
                                                                         es only
                                                                            . W
                                                                   ximate figur
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